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[WANTED: Dead RRF members] [REWARD: various items]

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Ladies and gentlemen

My obligations to the Gaylord Buttprince Orphanage And Nightclub (members only) require the dereliction of my duties to the Reddit Rescue Force.

Sadly I shall be absent for one week. In order that my friends at RRF do not forget me, I offer the following bounty:

One item from the following list for one documented murder of a member of the Reddit Rescue Force.

Mk48 plus three belts

M4 ccoSD plus four magazines

M9 SD plus four magazines

G36A plus four magazines



AS50 plus 2 magazines NATO rounds

Ghillie suit AND camo clothing AND camping tent (counts as one item)

My list of rewards is not exhaustive. PM me if you require an unlisted item and I shall endeavour to find it.


1: Interested in murdering for personal gain? Pm me and shall place your reward in the stewardship of an independent third party. You will be notified of their identity via pm.

2: Once the murder is completed, post the evidence here.

3: All rewards will be honoured as soon as evidence is published and the murder approved.

4: 'Documented kill' - screen capture of textual evidence, recording of teamspeak, FRAPS of murder or similar.

5: This offer closes on the 13 th of April 2013 at midnight.

6: Murders are to be reported in this thread and via pm to myself.

7: Bonuses apply for high ranking targets or multiple kills.

All murders committed in this period will be honoured with the requested item. Extras will be added gratis for ingenuity and the entertainment value of your homicides.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours in selfless service

Gaylord Buttprince

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