liquidmind 320 Posted April 6, 2013 As we all know, from playing it like a singleplayer-game, without playerencounters to having an open-world COD, there are a lot of different styles to play the game. Undoubtedly, some of these styles affect other player more, others less. As being part of the group of players suffering the most, those who are happy when meeting another survivor, because they see all the different possibilities of interaction, I get a lot of time to think with the inspiring background of the "you have died" screen.I hate to die, but I do not want to fall to the low level of shooting everyone I encounter, just so they don't kill me.If I wanted to do so, I'd play a singleplayer-game, just because the chance that another player kills me there, is even smaller.So, do you think there is any chance, that a seperation of game-styles could be achieved, so that everyone can play the game the way he wants, without having frustrating experiences over and over again?As someone playing on no-pvp-servers a lot, I know that a lot of playes don't care about server-rules like those and some even see it as an invitation to go there and cause chaos, because they feel those are weak and need to be told a lesson. Are there any chances, that dedicated PVP/RPG/Realism-Servers could work or will there always be jerks messing up other peoples games?your thoughts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rage VG 4033 Posted April 6, 2013 Honestly, I feel they are all balanced:PvPers: They might get items easier from someone, but they are more likely to have them taken away by someone. Usually towards the northern end of the map, as the high-end gear is there to attract other players.Non-PvPers/Survivalists: Takes much longer, but relatively safer. Usually inhabits the middle of the map, as it is a calm between the swarm of PvPers up north, and everyone spawning down south.Medics: They run the risk of people specifically hunting them down, however it's not uncommon for grateful patients to give them supplies. Mostly found at the bottom of the map, as there are many people and thus much higher chances of a casualty.So I don't feel it's the game's fault if that doesn't work out, because it is doing all it is expected to do; give us a canvas in which to create our communities and worlds.Remember, rocket said that he doesn't ever want to give the game a "safe-zone", but if players banded together and through their own work made a safe haven, that's entirely allowed and encouraged. Same goes for this, if you want an ideal setup like I mentioned, find like-minded people (Believe it or not, there are PvPers who only want to fight other people with some good gear, not just fresh spawns, and there are plenty of people who spend a lot of time just exploring the woods) and make it happen. Mind you that medics would be all but useless if the only fighting was done up north, as most players have their own supplies, or die before they have a chance to use them up there, and the woods are easy to get lost in, so there's little luck of finding folks up there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted April 6, 2013 It's not about "jerks messing up other peoples games", it's about playing the game as it was intended.Now, before somebody gets uppity, I'm not having a go at anyone or singling people out, just calling it how I see it.The apparent intention is to allow everyone the freedom to act as they wish, within the confines of the game-world.That invariably means dealing with other people and their actions as you see fit, whether postitive or negative.Rage's post above sussed it. No balance is needed.In my personal opinion if there's one thing wrong with PvPers killing folks on a Non-PvP server it's the fact that someone has decided to disallow a certain playstyle. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted April 6, 2013 (edited) I agree that those types of gameplay do work together.I wouldn't mind being attacked by others or being robbed. I just think to get a bullet in the back of my head, without having anything stolen from the body, doesn't give anything to my killer and only destroys my game.Still, I understand that this is the type of game others want to play. They want to be afraid of another player coming by. they want the adrenalin-rush when they attack. I don't want to take that from them. But they can't possibly enjoy shooting someone who doesn't even move, as much as I don't enjoy getting shot while being friendly.If I'm robbed, so be it. If he talks to me and tells me to go away, I will. But if I get shot to the head, without any chance to do anything about it, it really destroys my game.I'm almost 30. I don't need to prove my strength anymore. Puberties emotions and hormons, no longer dominate my life. And I think that I have the same right to play an enjoyable game without having some teenies who just had their first errection telling me that I'm a noob and that they are just l33t killing-machines, who have to go to bed now because tomorrow they have to go to school. (sry. getting a bit pissed off by being boner-bandited all time)Edit: As a clarification. If you could only play one server, I completely agree that any limitation would be wrong. But as long as people can server-hop, there cannot possibly be any community on a server without a single player being able to come in and cause chaos.But I am still hoping for SA, and if the problems I see persist there, I'll just have the password-protected Private-server-option... I'd just prefer to play with other people, other than locking my server from the public, just so the assholes I don't want on my server stay out. Edited April 6, 2013 by liquidmind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted April 6, 2013 With the further development of survival elements in SA, I'm sure there will be more pressing matters to worry about than "boner-banditing".As I see it, any other player who's actions interfere with what I'm doing just becomes another feature/challenge of the game.I don't KoS and I'm not a bandit, but their being there only enhances my experience.Yes getting shot in the back is a pisser, but being in a game with potentially dangerous folk encourages you to be more cautious and play smarter.For that reason, I don't like segregation in DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted April 6, 2013 Basically I completely agree with Rage and Chabowski on this.All I'd add is that whilst there's nothing more frustrating that being shot in the back of the head or sniped without a chance to defend yourself you never really know the other players intentions or motives. It's too easy to blame it on "COD Kids" ect. (I hate that term). There's just too many variables involved. You may be approaching someone's camp or vehicle without realising or maybe they're part of a team and you're approaching one of their members so their spotter/sniper decides to eliminate the threat. The frustrating part is that you really never know and your game is instantly ended.As already said that's where the games tension comes from and it means you have to play smart and can never drop your guard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Kyrah 1110 Posted April 6, 2013 The different game styles are self balancing really, as long as no play style is forbidden by the server admins, it reaches an equilibrium between easy and hard, between rewarding and pointless.Because it's a sandbox game doesn't mean it has to be everything to everyone, the point of dayZ is that other people will influence how you play, you can adapt to it and turn it to your advantage, or complain about it on the forum. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted April 6, 2013 If being killed 'destroys your game' as you so eloquently put it, I really don't think DayZ is the game for you.I'm not trying to be awkward but the PvP aspect is a VERY big part of the game, whether you like it or not - there are times where I'd like to loot and gear up in peace but I know that I could be attacked at any time and I prepare for that.The problem I mainly see is people letting down their guard which is purely their own fault. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakka 28 Posted April 6, 2013 One thing about online multiplayer games is that people don't want to kill NPCs. They want to kill other gamers. It's the challenge of defeating other PEOPLE that is satisfying. I hate to say it but I enjoy it as well but in a game like dayz it is not always the answer. In COD or BF3 or any other FPS there is only one answer. Kill them. You can not group or communicate with your enemies. You can't trade or befriend anyone you come across. That is what is great about dayz, there are a lot of different answers to every situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted April 7, 2013 (edited) I completely agree, that the different possible outcomes are, what makes DayZ what it is.As I experienced it, it doesn't really matter if you would give all your stuff away for free or if you would fight to the death when robbed, when a bullet to the head ends that.I don't mind dying because I didn't look out enough. I don't mind dying because I made a mistake. I mind dying, because some guy who has seen me run from 1000 or further needed to stalk me, one-shot-kill me and leave my body untouched.I know that lying in a popular spot with an enfield, waiting for a survivor to come by, is the single best way to get gear in the game. It's easy. doesn't require any skill as you can aim for quite a while before shooting.In my opinion, the only reason that is even possible, is that there is far to much ammo in the game and weapons can be found too easy, without ever degrading. At the moment, the game punishes those who see the game more realistic than it is, but it favors those, who want to have a quick deathmatch.One of the other main problems is, that any player can join a server to go crazy for a few hours, rename himself and go somewhere else, not to have to face the consequences of his actions ever. Something that would never happen in a real survival situation.But as a conclusion, having a password-protected server for myself and a few friends seems to be the only option i will have. At least if The environment isn't as dangerous as I hope it to be. I certainly hope that in SA more people will die due to malnutrition, injury and disease than to bulletwounds.Edit: just to be clear: I want the player interactions to be as important as everyone else does. I just set the bar a lot higher than simple "watch your back or you get KOSd".. If you don't have to think wether it's a good idea to waste the bullet or wether you might need the other player for something in the future, it isn't player-interaction at all. It's just a bit more complex Deathmatching. Put loot into Battlefield and you have about the same. Edited April 7, 2013 by liquidmind 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites