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First install..

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I finally bought Arma 2:CO and I've 2 questions:

1. As I've read in the forums and other guides, I should install Arma 2, then OA, then run Dayz Commander. When I added Arma2:CO to steam I got a download link for "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Beta". Included the picture below. So should I install it after finishing OA or do it through Dayz Commander?

2. Would there be any issue if I play Arma 2 while OA is downloading? Will changing the graphics settings in Arma 2 affect anything later when I install/play OA or DayZ?

Thanks in advance... :)


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1. You can also install the beta via DayZCommander so it's not necessary to do it via steam.

Install ArmA 2

Install Operation Arrowhead

Run them both to the main menu to complete installation

Use DayZCommander to install the beta patch, DayZ and any additional mods.

2. I doubt it.

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Whew! Took 3 days to download on my PoS Internet connection. >:(

Thanks for the help my Aussie friend. DayZCommander is downloading DayZ atm. Very, very, very excited & also scared that my PC will struggle.... :) :(

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OMG! I logged into a night time server for my first taste of DayZ. Bumped into a zed & I ran for the hills, literally! :D

The game runs fine. It is so much better & scarier than I had expected. The 25 bucks, the worries, the download time, was worth it!!! :thumbsup:

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