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DayZChernarus | Torchwood | Treasure Tents | Day/Full Moon Nights | 100+ Vehicles | Active Admins | Increased Heli Crash Sites | Custom Buildings

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For anyone that signs up on our forums, if you post your birthday we are now allowing you to choose a full custom loadout of your choice when that day arrives :D

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We have removed the AS50 and M107 from our server as well as implemented custom building/heli crash loot spawns.

More custom buildings have been added and others have been taken out.

A.I. are no longer in due to them causing server lag.

Edited by AVendettaForYou

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We are now closing whitelist applications thank you to all of our players that have applied.

Edited by AVendettaForYou

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Hi there, I see your post saying whitelist applications closed but was wondering if there was anyway you would let another one through? Don't worry if not but thanks if so =].

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We are reopening whitelist applications for a few more days, visit yourgamingvendetta.com/forums to apply.

Edited by AVendettaForYou

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Would like to post a reminder that any type of discrimination and continuation of it after being warned will result in a ban from the server, any other players that follow in a banned players footsteps will meet the same fate, we will not tolerate it, thank you.

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This was a good server, at first. I thought the white list meant good decent Day Z game play with admins that were on top of hackers. Instead we get admins teleporting players to NWAF, putting some players in god mode and letting them destroy other players. Spawning in loot boxes with tons of explosives, and just overall ruining the game :/...this all happens after a conversation with another admin by the name of vendettaforyou assuring me that this was a regular fair place to play the game. The other admin Deputy Friendly was the cause of all of this chaos... there's also a player named XxHoloxX that acts like he owns the server and the admins let him, not sure whats going on there but the butt buddy tag team admin hacking makes for a shitty experience overall, and just makes people like me post negative shit about the server. So much for this line of bullshit...

Note about admins: We play the game how everyone else does regardless of our powers, We are active targets if you want to hunt us down and kill us you can. Any of our bases you find you have every right to raid it and keep for yourself, we won't spawn in what we lost nor will we track you and reclaim our stuff. We want our players to know that we want the same game play as everyone else does.

We go by the saying: Nothing is truly yours in Dayz.


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The reasoning behind the actions of Deputy Friendly is because I had told him to test out all the features of our new security measures, we was figuring out if it would actually kick players for being teleported, what weapons would show up in our hack logs when players picked them up, everything that was done was all for security measures of the server only. Any players given god mode was for pure testing experience after the tests had been done we restored everyone that decided to take part in the testing to the original state they were at before the tests began. I had been informed that you had left the server because of those actions and we had not had the time to inform you of everything that was taken place. What was not told to you during the time of the testing was that we had been tracking a suspected hacker that was following others around and had actually came after you, at that time we gave you god mode so the hacker couldn't kill you, but we could not inform you of that because it would've tipped off the hacker. I do apologize for your playing experience last night but once again it was for testing purposes only. We do put in a lot of hours into keeping the server up to date and giving everyone an enjoyable playing experience and do not expect a thing out of it, we want everyone to have that experience just as we do, anything that Deputy or myself does is for testing purposes only to make sure that everything is being taken care of. Once again I do offer a sincere apology rather you choose to accept it or not.

Edited by AVendettaForYou

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I was in and out of the TS none of this was mentioned. When I asked what was going on I was told to stfu by Holo, even though I was in the team speak asking. Explain there are updates in progress, the server will be down for 10 minutes. Add a password and have a group of your friends go in and test out your antihack system...Who gives a shit if you tip off the hacker, you have the logs, if he leaves he leaves, just ban him after you confirm. Why confuse the shit out of your regular players? Its not about accepting your apology or not. It is about finding a server that doesn't have unnecessary confusion and game altering additions. Quite honestly I would have rather been killed by the hacker, started fresh, and then had one of you tell me behind the scenes after the fact that you dealt with it. I don't care about loosing gear or dying, that's part of the game, gearing up makes it fun, I do care about the integrity behind the choices that you and Deputy make however. I don't need to have unlimited health and grenades and satchel charges to mess with hackers, and I didn't want to be a guinea pig for your servers security "test", you mentioned above that I decided to take part, I did not. I was randomly teleported and I had no idea what was happening. That's why I left the server, even me typing this useless explanation is a waste of time that I could be using finding a map or a weapon. Thank you for trying your best, I did have quite a bit of fun the first couple days.

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I have already had a long discussion about not locking the server during the testing, holo has been dealt with because of the actions he was taking. I know you didn't ask to take part in it, the actions that had been taken last night was uncalled for from deputy and I've already talked to him about it. But as for tipping off the hacker the minute we do they are gonna do everything in their part to ruin everything on the server as in nuking and killing every player at once, there's a lot we have to do to keep it silent if there is a hacker just so those actions won't occur. You're not wasting an explanation either I take the time to hear everyone's opinion in the server and I know how you feel about what was going on, I didn't expect that he would do it with a huge population. I told him from now on that the server will be locked and only people who want to take part will be included, there will be a downtime posted so others know about what's going on.

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Your a good admin mate. One of the few, and a very patient person it seems. Someday ill pop back in perhaps if you haven't banned me.

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I wouldn't ban someone for having a bad playing experience, I understand why you was frustrated and wanted to say something and I don't blame you for that.

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Great Server wonderful admins who are always willing to listen and and make adjustments to what the players want. Quite a few squads on here but always looking to battle some more :) Check it out you will find it worthwhile.

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sounds epic, im joining right now i hope its a good server

edit i love it ! but 1 question how rare are the tents and baces ?

Edited by dapal

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They're pretty rare since they do have good gear in them the ones near the coast are somewhat easy to find depending on where you look, the further north you go the harder they are to find due to the better loot placed in them. About midway up we stop with just single tents and do bases from there.

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