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New in Dayz - custom map advice

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First Time i played Dayz i loved it but i hated the map! Because 70% of the buildings are not entrable,is there any map with a lot of buildings:houses...etc entrable ? Sorry for bad english.Also i don't want to be a Desert map

Edited by dasdfsdfdf

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A good number of the unofficial maps have new buildings and a large number are enterable. I'd say try Lingor Island, that's the one that sticks in my memory for enterable buildings.

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Didn't play a whole lot of it, but it was pretty good too

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If only Takistan were a DayZ map... But he doesn't want a desert map, he says?

If you play on a desert map long enough, you get used to it.

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I tried them but now i'm searching an map wich is more urban(doesn't matter if it is desert) wich would you recomand it ?

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I tried them but now i'm searching an map wich is more urban(doesn't matter if it is desert) wich would you recomand it ?


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Hello there

Due to the nature of the Arma engine you wont find any massively urban maps, especially with enterable buildings.

Fallujah is very building intensive but can be a bugger to run and most buildings cannot be entered.

I also vote for Lingor.



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Didn't play a whole lot of it, but it was pretty good too

too many hills.

Edited by GOD™

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I tried them but now i'm searching an map wich is more urban(doesn't matter if it is desert) wich would you recomand it ?

Well there's Fallujiah that's just a big city and an airport, or Taviana with a few larger cities and plenty of vehicle spawns. Just keep in mind that due to the Arma II engine, not all the buildings will be enterable, and not every room will be either. A lot of the taller buildings (20+ floors) only are enterable on the first floor or only have some method to get on the roof (elevator ladder).

I think what you might want to do is check out http://dayzdb.com/map and browse though the avialable maps and get a feel for what's available for settings and terrain.

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Trust me, try taviana.

Especially with DayZ Origins.

That sidebranch of DayZ is making me relive the thrills of when i just started DayZ months ago...

It even has base building too now.

Theres alot of cities and a crapload of enterable houses. Hell u can enter most of the buildings.

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What about Namalask ?

Basically just scattered military bases and factories with one city and one hospital compound, separate of course. It's great for PvP and those grizzled survivormen who like living in the forest and surviving off scraps, not knowing when they'll get their next meal, but not a lot of buildings in general. There are some cool ones like Object A2 (super hotspot btw) and the Seraja Army Base, but once you're out of Vorkuta (if you can even make it there) it's pretty scattered, and a lot of the same loot; just guns and car parts with the very occasional can of food lying around.

Also, bloodsuckers, nuf said.

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