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Dat blue Sky! Rocket, PLEASE!

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Well on topic, yes, I think the saturation level of the blueness is too much at times although on a clear sunny day it looks great. They still have much to work on (including a weather system unique to DayZ) so I'd expect that to be on their list of things to do.


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So we're complaining about a blue sky being blue.

Thats kind of...uhm...

well the intensity and ect. ask op.

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btw.: theoretically, you COULD give us new screens and infos, by ...uhm...*cough* using another account *cough* and leak us stuff *cough*

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So we're complaining about a blue sky being blue.

Thats kind of...uhm...

nope, it's not about blue beeing blue.

but if you'd work with colors, you'd soon experience, that blue is not blue. ;)

there is so many different steps of blueishness, and some of them can change the look of a picture to the complete worst thing ever.

You know, there's a reason for why there is something like art education or color theory n stuff.

for example:

do you feel that oblivions landscape and ArmaII landscape look exact the same?


So then please explain why it isn't looking the same.

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btw.: theoretically, you COULD give us new screens and infos, by ...uhm...*cough* using another account *cough* and leak us stuff *cough*

cough use another email cough pretend to be a troll cough no one will ever know cough.

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nope, it's not about blue beeing blue.

but if you'd work with colors, you'd soon experience, that blue is not blue. ;)

there is so many different steps of blueishness, and some of them can change the look of a picture to the complete worst thing ever.

You know, there's a reason for why there is something like art education or color theory n stuff.

for example:

do you feel that oblivions landscape and ArmaII landscape look exact the same?


So then please explain why it isn't looking the same.

I work with colours and I understand what you mean (so does my Brother and we've discussed this a few times). To my eyes it just looks like the overall saturation levels are higher (and the contrast) in the devblog vids then we are used to seeing in Arma 2. Not to mention that it looks like in the vids they simply have the weather turned off which due to the volumetric clouds and lighting effects the colours and hue of the whole scene.

I think there's 2 reasons for this. I've used the TOH engine that is used as a base for the DAYZ engine and the colours do look richer and less washed out than they do in Arma2 which looks great when flying around Seattle on a typically sunny day, not so great for a zombie appocolypse. Regarding the contrast I think that's just a case of how Rocket/Matt have their displays set up (or the recording software ect) because in testing on my screen the contrast is no different to Arma 2 or Arma 3 and looks great, it's also very easily changed to your own preference via in-game settings or by adjusting your monitor so it's of no concern to me. What looks great on one monitor can look dodgy on another.

The colour issue is slightly more of a concern though. As you say it can affect the whole feel of a game. Hopefully, once everything is integrated into DayZ the balance will be sorted. In testing the colours don't look as rich as they do in the blogs but they still don't have that overall realistic feel that we've become used to in Arma (IMO). As I say I think the weather will play a big part in this once implimented as the cloud levels will efffect the overall scene greatly. Also, in the blogs it looks like the sky is just a default blue colour and the time of day is roughly when the sun's at it's highest. Throughout the day the lighting starts to look very different especially combined with those oppressive (and impressive) clouds I mentioned earlier.

Once these thing have been fully integrated and the devs have given it some attention I'm sure it'll look great and we have nothing to worry about. Don't forget some of the guy's working on DayZ have worked on both Arma games so if anyone can get it right, they can.

Edited by Fraggle
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more info attaches microphone to huge speakers.

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thx fraggle, that's some interesting bits of info!

i'll keep my eyes on that stuff and see how it turns out, once weather etc is in.

I just hope the feeling of dayZ world will still be there...

...countless times when i was just wandering around chernarus as a lone wolf, and just enjoyed the view, the hills, the landscape.... dat kind of realism breath.....

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thx fraggle, that's some interesting bits of info!

i'll keep my eyes on that stuff and see how it turns out, once weather etc is in.

I just hope the feeling of dayZ world will still be there...

...countless times when i was just wandering around chernarus as a lone wolf, and just enjoyed the view, the hills, the landscape.... dat kind of realism breath.....

Np. I'm the same. I think that's one of the first things that drew me to Arma years ago and then DayZ. I'm pretty sure they'll nail it but I'm a biased fanboy so fingers crossed i guess.

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Regarding the contrast I think that's just a case of how Rocket/Matt have their displays set up (or the recording software ect)

The importance of this probably can't be overstated. I really don't envy the artists who need to make the lighting look decent on every random piece of junk monitor sitting on a gamer's desk.

On my calibrated monitor (80 cd/m2, D65, sRGB) the standalone pics look pretty good. If I had to rank them in terms of realism I would say: ARMA III > Standalone > ARMA II > DayZ Mod. Standalone might be a little to saturated but DayZ mod is way to washed out with to many blown highlights.

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darn my jokes not funny any more oh well.

Edited by nousernamehelp
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The importance of this probably can't be overstated. I really don't envy the artists who need to make the lighting look decent on every random piece of junk monitor sitting on a gamer's desk.

On my calibrated monitor (80 cd/m2, D65, sRGB) the standalone pics look pretty good. If I had to rank them in terms of realism I would say: ARMA III > Standalone > ARMA II > DayZ Mod. Standalone might be a little to saturated but DayZ mod is way to washed out with to many blown highlights.

I agree that Arma does look a bit too washed out sometimes. It's a fine balance between the way most games look now days which is fine for some (eg: the colours and bloom suit the setting for Bioshock Infinite) and the other end of the scale in which everything just looks grey and overcast.

If they get it right (which with that engine I think they can) you can have the best of both worlds, so bright sunny day's will make you want to skip through the fields catching butterflies and overcast weather can provide that oppressive feel of an incoming storm or the bleakness of a post appocolyptic world. Because it's a persistent online game that people will hopefully play for many hours they can't just choose a pallete that suits the setting like you can with other more linear games. It has to look right at all times of day and night and reflect the weather which is a tall order for any developer, for a game like DayZ though I think the importance can't be over-stated.

I know the Arma engine gets a lot of flack but I think the lighting ect. is one of it's strong points.

Edited by Fraggle
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I know the Arma engine gets a lot of flack but I think the lighting ect. is one of it's strong points.

I agree. At times it can be very convincing, the only thing that annoys me that sometimes it gets too dark when you're turned towards the sun. I realise it's to simulate pupil constriction but it's way too much. I have gamma up a few notches to combat it but I hope it will be more leveled for the stand-alone.

Also, the blue sky in the screenshot is definitely the sky from TOH and I imagine it'll be tweaked sooner or later, the bleakness of Chernarus is one of the things that made DayZ work I think.

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