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subtle ways of affecting players

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I have seen some stuff on the suggestions part of the forums such as fear, insanity, and recently morale.

even though they are good ideas I think they go against the "your story" thing mainly because it feels like you arent your own character.

how about instead of cheap mechanics what about a way make you feel fear and sadness instead of your character.

how about mutilated carcasses that are gross and disgusting with vultures picking out the maggot covered organs, moaning and howls of pain when somebody dies.

scarier music during nighttime

hearing screams of players when eaten alive by a group of zombies

audio logs and videotapes of people who have been recording their times in the zombie filled world.

hearing recently infected zombies scream in horror and pain as their mind and body are slowly deteriorated

zombies with pictures of loved ones on their person

graffiti on walls with words like "end of world" and "no hope"

I mean take dishonored for example and how they execute this.

Edited by HashSlingingSlasher192
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i totally agree, the graffitti should be on chernarussian though.

when it comes to corpses i am totally for it, a start could be making brand new massgraves with more detailed gore on the bodies. dont think too much about corpses in houses because there would be the same placement on every server and it would not be as "random" and exciting.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 5:16 PM, Clusterfudge said:

i totally agree, the graffitti should be on chernarussian though.

when it comes to corpses i am totally for it, a start could be making brand new massgraves with more detailed gore on the bodies. dont think too much about corpses in houses because there would be the same placement on every server and it would not be as "random" and exciting.

thanks for feedback

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Have to manage the gore, too much and it'll be banned in several countries.

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I think it definitely needs to feel more like an apocalypse than what it currently does.

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