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Controls Don't Work

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Could someone help me out here? I have:

ARMA 2: Complete Collection (Steam)

Day Z Commander

I have all the overwrite settings on, but I think I rememer seeing an error saying failure to overwrite BETA...

The thing is, that I can't press escape. Can't open up that essential menu. I also can't shoot my gun or aim it...

This means the game is unplayable when I glitch out.

Also, It says:

Script scan was complete, no bad contenet was found.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Kemerd

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close steam

start steam in admin (right click and run as administrator)

right click on arma2 and properties then local files

click on verify integrity of game cache

and do the same for arma2 oa

run arma2 to the menu

run arma2 oa to the menu

rundayzcommander and install the beta and dayz again

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The problem is, that I have all the other DLCs, and I would like the high res textures (for chars) from them. So that might be causing problems?

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nope that wont be causing the problem well shouldn't be anyway but revalidating the files for arma2 and arma2oa will also revalidate those too and reinstall everything if you run it all as admin when doing it saves you from re downloading just to be sure everything goes ok delete the @ folder from your arma2oa directory and the folder called _DZC_CACHE and the beta folder from inside expansions

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1 file for arma 2,

and 15 for arma oa.

Files that I had to reaquire that is. I'll try running them and then reinstalling. Thanks, I'll keep you posted.

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you may want to try defragging and disk check and then revalidate them again

edit damn my spelling

Edited by AmberHelios

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I rebooted my PC.

Worked like a charm.

This topic can be closed now.

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