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Looking for squad/clan members for a dayz 2017 server

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Hello I am looking for anyone interested in joining a clan that a few friends of mine and myself are trying to create. We mostly play dayz 2017 now just because we love the slow passed hardcore game play with less combat situations and more real life scenarios. Mostly we are looking for people with very calm realists points of view who don't kill people directly on the spot. The main reasons we want to make this clan/group is because we came up with several ideas regarding the soon to be 2017 update that will allow costume base building! We and the admins of the server are interested in creating a small trade center somewhere on the map. The only problem with this is that there are plenty of assholes that would LOVE to screw this up for us so.... we need to get together a large clan of people who love to play the slow passed and more realistic mods for dayz in order to protect this soon to be base from anyone trying to raid/take it. since the base is not in place right now anyone who wants to join the group is welcomed to put there ideas about the trading, the base and its general location. We also need to determine a clan name that is semi-serious.

Thanks for your time


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