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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Anti-aircraft weapon

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I think the mod could use an anti-aircraft missile launcher. Russian made because I doubt the US would bring AA to fight an infection.

It would be pretty damn satisfying to take down a helicopter.

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On the other hand, it seems like it would be really annoying to put all of that effort into repairing one just so anyone on the horizon could take it down for the lulz.

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No. Let them fly as long as they can...

Choppers should be something superior.

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Fuck off. It would be abused' date=' end of story.

Sorry for being harsh, but i dont think you thought this through before posting it.


Not necessarily. Something like the javelin missile launcher, which can only lock on to vehicles, couldn't be abused. That is, unless you consider giving up your primary weapon just so you can blow up vehicles you see once in a blue moon as abuse.

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Awesome replies so far, hopefully they catch rockets eye :D

Seriously tho, how can you abuse a missile launcher? There is already an AT4 in the game....

And If people want to keep their helicopters alive, don't troll around looking for shit to shoot at. It's not like everyone is going to give up their main weapon to carry around a missile for a helicopter they might never even see.

Also, the way arma works, getting hit might mean you go down, but survive the crash. It's just another crazy event in someones story.

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Awesome replies so far' date=' hopefully they catch rockets eye :D

Seriously tho, how can you abuse a missile launcher? There is already an AT4 in the game....

And If people want to keep their helicopters alive, don't troll around looking for shit to shoot at. It's not like everyone is going to give up their main weapon to carry around a missile for a helicopter they might never even see.

Also, the way arma works, getting hit might mean you go down, but survive the crash. It's just another crazy event in someones story.


The AT4 only gets anti-tank ammo in the game, which doesn't create a big fireball, so it cant be used to take out groups of people, thus limiting it to a mostly anti-vehicle weapon.

Aircraft don't have tank armor, so an anti-aircraft weapon would typically have a much bigger boom. In a game like DayZ that might mean abuse. That is why I would suggest something like the jav, which couldn't be used on groups of people.

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Awesome replies so far' date=' hopefully they catch rockets eye :D

Seriously tho, how can you abuse a missile launcher? There is already an AT4 in the game....

And If people want to keep their helicopters alive, don't troll around looking for shit to shoot at. It's not like everyone is going to give up their main weapon to carry around a missile for a helicopter they might never even see.

Also, the way arma works, getting hit might mean you go down, but survive the crash. It's just another crazy event in someones story.


The AT4 only gets anti-tank ammo in the game, which doesn't create a big fireball, so it cant be used to take out groups of people, thus limiting it to a mostly anti-vehicle weapon.

Aircraft don't have tank armor, so an anti-aircraft weapon would typically have a much bigger boom. In a game like DayZ that might mean abuse. That is why I would suggest something like the jav, which couldn't be used on groups of people.

For shits and giggles before posting this I went into the editor and shot the Igla at a building with 4 guys beside it, one died instantly, another was hurt, the other two lived. So it's not as deadly as you might think.

Like you said, aircraft aren't armored so the warhead they use in anti-aircraft missiles is more of a big frag grenade than a bomb. It throws fragments in a large radius to maximize damage to vulnerable parts of the aircraft. (at least that's how I always thought of it)

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Theres a small problem with having a Javelin in DayZ... Think about it...

Javelin Launchers + DayZ = ?????????????WTF???????????????

Any type of Missile Launcher can be abused, Having a Jav in DayZ is like giving players full gear when they start.. Its not a good idea. Even if its super-rare, that one guy will always find it and blow shit up and ruin Cherno/Electro, causing massive complaints on the forums. Plus this a Soviet Russian map.

I think most people who like this mod for the realism and immersion would agree that adding Missile Launchers is a very bad idea. If you want to go blow shit up, go play CTI Warfare, or Singleplayer.

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I would agree with you about blowing shit up, except the mod already has frag grenades, grenade launchers, anti-tank rockets, and sachel charges. What? no love for us AA loving folk?

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The Javelin has thermal vision + auto-lock. It's superiour to any other launcher.

I'm ok with a Stinge/Igla/Strela, as long as they are as rare as the AT4

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@xBlackCat' date='

Theres a small problem with having a Javelin in DayZ... Think about it...

Javelin Launchers + DayZ = ?????????????WTF???????????????

Any type of Missile Launcher can be abused, Having a Jav in DayZ is like giving players full gear when they start.. Its not a good idea. Even if its super-rare, that one guy will always find it and blow shit up and ruin Cherno/Electro, causing massive complaints on the forums. Plus this a Soviet Russian map.

I think most people who like this mod for the realism and immersion would agree that adding Missile Launchers is a very bad idea. If you want to go blow shit up, go play CTI Warfare, or Singleplayer.


This is completely different from your original post, which claimed that it would be impossible to prevent abuse, i simply stated one way to get around that.

Another feasible way would be to make the ammo rare to the point that you aren't going to get many shots. Two or three shots, no matter how powerful, are hard to compare to something like the DMR or the silenced weapons.

Focusing you complaint on just explosives in general is already flawed. DayZ HAS explosions. The M203 has ammo EVERYWHERE. For a bigger boom, satchel charges are ultra rare loot at the barracks. One of the main uses for those is putting them under dead bodies in high-traffic areas and waiting for someone to find it.

Despite its use for trolling, most players are probably unaware it even exists, so rarity seems to be a fine way to balance such weapons.

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I know that there are explosives in DayZ, but the fact that you have to throw a grenade, set a satchel or launch an M203 within 100-200 meters is acceptable. Having a Missile launcher thats designed for longer range in a city or camping the Airfields waiting for someone to come along, all you do is fire a missile, and it flies 300-700+ Meters and can kill an entire group of people in 1 shot.

All im saying is adding more than whats already in, would slowly turn DayZ into a Slow-paced version of CoD. Honestly, think about it, Your asking to add more powerful weapons, when in a real life situation, you would be thinking where your next meal will come from, how your going to get water, or how to stay alive.

Does DayZ need more weapons? No, there are more important things to work on in a ZOMBIE APOC SIMULATOR < Hint Hint..

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I haven't used the AA weapons in arma enough to know, but wouldn't it be very difficult to land a shot on a group of people 700m away with a weapon that is mean to be a locked on?

I'm going to fool around with it a bit more in the editor. See how deadly it really is.

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I know that there are explosives in DayZ' date=' but the fact that you have to throw a grenade, set a satchel or launch an M203 within 100-200 meters is acceptable. Having a Missile launcher thats designed for longer range in a city or camping the Airfields waiting for someone to come along, all you do is fire a missile, and it flies 300-700+ Meters and can kill an entire group of people in 1 shot.

All im saying is adding more than whats already in, would slowly turn DayZ into a Slow-paced version of CoD. Honestly, think about it, Your asking to add more powerful weapons, when in a real life situation, you would be thinking where your next meal will come from, how your going to get water, or how to stay alive.

Does DayZ need more weapons? No, there are more important things to work on in a ZOMBIE APOC SIMULATOR < Hint Hint..


Actually, my first post here stated that i think it would be unfair to the people who put so much effort into repairing the heli in the first place, I just believe in debating against arguments when I disagree.

And once a group mastered the apocalypse as many do in DayZ, carrying around NVGs, GPS, silenced weapons, sniper rifles, and riding around in vehicles; the next threat to face is other humans. In that respect, the escalation could easily lead to looting the nearby army base. That is functionally why it is there, to provide that escalation.

Why is it you question a simple rocket launcher, could even be the simple russian RPG-7, but you don't question the helicopter it would be aimed at?

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Yeah, I doubt I would have even thought about this if the huey didn't have the two machine guns on the sides. Why should their weapons trump all?

I tried the Igla a bit more in the editor, it's pretty easy to hit buildings at distance when you're on an elevated position. But when you're firing from the ground it's harder because of how the missile pops out and drops a bit, similar to how the javalin drops after launch but not as extreme. They're made to be launched into the sky.

And I hit missiles near groups and killed some but not others, so in a game situation where people are moving and hearing a missile launch, it's going to be tricky killing large groups of moving targets from long distance with a "slow" moving missile.

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To initiate some sort of balance, why not make it similarly as hard to forge an AA weapon as it is to repair and start up a helicopter? Make it so it requires mutliple <1% drop chance items that most people in all likelihood wouldn't get. You RARELY run into choppers in flight, it wouldn't be very good to have the entire map riddled with AA.

However, with low spawn rates and assembly, there would surely be at least one person on a large map that had one somewhere. People could collaborate and engage in a team effort to take it down. It would inspire communal interactivity and the chopper pilot would have to keep on his toes knowing one could be out there in the woods waiting for him.

Just thoughts.

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Your missing the point of my argument completely.

DayZ is a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator. Survival is your main concern, suggestions for the mod should be more focused on the aspects of survival, rather than player versus player.

Sure PvP is a good portion of DayZ, but thats just an addition to the survival aspect.

Stop suggesting more firepower, and focus on making the base mechanics better.

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Your missing the point of my argument completely.

DayZ is a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator. Survival is your main concern' date=' suggestions for the mod should be more focused on the aspects of survival, rather than player versus player.

Sure PvP is a good portion of DayZ, but thats just an addition to the survival aspect.

Stop suggesting more firepower, and focus on making the base mechanics better.


OP isn't necessarily one of the people asking for a tacticool rifle or a silenced one hit kill sniper rifle. Seems to me hes asking for the game to have at least one counter to the hugely powerful helicopter already in the game.

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M107/AS50 and machineguns are already quite good at taking down helis. You can take it down even with AK, actually.

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Your missing the point of my argument completely.

DayZ is a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator. Survival is your main concern' date=' suggestions for the mod should be more focused on the aspects of survival, rather than player versus player.

Sure PvP is a good portion of DayZ, but thats just an addition to the survival aspect.

Stop suggesting more firepower, and focus on making the base mechanics better.


Why should suggestions be focused only on (non-pvp)survival? I'm not afraid of it turning into CODayZ if we add another super rare weapon.

And I could easily say I'm basing this on survival as I was gunned down by a helicopter. It's not true, but it makes your argument invalid.

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Sorry guys here are some fun facts:

  • A single Igla rocket eats up 6 inventory slots
  • The blast radius of an Igla rocket is as big as a hand grenade
  • Try to shoot a moving target which is more than 200 away...Good Luck!
  • As a heli pilot you can easily aviod being shot down by flying at low altitude.
  • If you hit a heli with a stinger, it does not blow up. It may lose fuel or one of the rotors may be damaged.
    In most cases the crew is not killed and can manage to land the heli
  • If you don´t trust in a 10y+ OFP/ Arma veteran, then use the editor and try it out for yourself.

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