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[video series] Cannibal Tales of Taviana

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After being the good guy in real life. It's just refreshing to be a bad guy in-game. Being a bandit wasn't enough though, I'm now a cannibal. I totally get the bad guy lifestyle, it's so much more fun!

Edited by Samurai004

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Dude, you must be new to DayZ. First off, those tin cans were around the medical box, you need to clear them from around the box to access it. Second, the alice pack. You need to pick up everything around it to be able to take it as well. Also, you picked up the assault pack without even transferring your other backpack's content, and lost everything in it. You need to understand the game before you try to get an audience, your gameplay footage is very amateur. Except for the zombie skin, nothing in your gameplay even suggests that you are a cannibal. I don't see what the point is.

Edited by EchoZeero

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