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Target Practice (DayZ)

Disregard, apparently I'm retarded.

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Okay, so I have no idea where to put this thread, but this seemed like the most likely place.

Basically, image tags are doing weird things for me. When I link to an image in my post using them, the image shows up fine in the WYSIWYG editor view, but once I actually submit the post or go to preview it, the post only displays a link to the image. I've checked, and the img tags are correct in the bbcode editing view, and I can't see any logical reason why this would be happening.

It's entirely possible I'm slightly retarded and have missed something blindingly obvious, but this has been bugging me for a while now, and I just can't seem to find a logical explanation for what I'm doing wrong. I'm using Firefox if that helps diagnose anything other than my personal preference in browser.


This thread is redundant. Please feel free to mock me mercilessly for being criminally stupid.

Edited by Target Practice

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Are these on your image code? not entirely sure how it works though.


Except instead of these { it has these [

Edited by burritoman259

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Are these on your image code? not entirely sure how it works though.


Except instead of these { it has these [

I'm not entirely sure I've understood the question (sorry, it's been a long day and I'm slightly sleep deprived) - if you're asking if there are hyphens in the address of the image I'm linking to, I don't think so - I'm sure it's happened at least once on an address without them. If you're asking if I'm actually using the [.IMG] (minus the period of course) tags, then yeah, that's the issue - I'm using them, but they only seem to be working for me in the WYSIWYG editor view - once I actually submit the post, for some reason it reverts to a link, despite the fact that the [.IMG] tags are still there.

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*facepalm* - how the feck did I miss that? I even did a search to make sure someone else hadn't asked the question already.

Welp, chalk another one up to me being a 'tard, I guess. :) Thanks, Vapordad.

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