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Neil Jimbob

Steam multiple account help

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Hello, so basically I have had my CD key stolen by hacker, I was wondering is it possible to make a new account on steam and re purchase arma 2 oa on the new account, as I am not banned on arma 2 and be able to run DayZ as normal? With arma 2 on one account and arma 2 oa on the other? Thanks.

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Yes to multiple accounts, use google.

No to running two games on different accounts and having them count as one account running two games.

Edited by TheDesigner

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Yes, this is possible, but you have to delete your old CD-key first. I've never been banned, so Google how to do it.

Also, it's impossible to have your CD-key stolen by a hacker through the game. You have to download a program (such as an "fps booster" or free "hacks") that gives them access to your computer.

Edited by colekern

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