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Vanilla DayZ

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The last time I properly played Vanilla DayZ was probably away last year, for the last few months I have been playing on DayZ Origins.

Today I had a strong urge to play regular DayZ but my DayZ Commander couldn't find a server at all.

With the "Hide unofficial" button ticked there was not a single server, so I tried unticking the box and a whole load of servers popped up.

I scanned through a few pages of servers and every single one of them had at least one thing I considered "wrong" with them.

"Always Daylight", "AI NPC's", "full starter kit", "REGULAR", "customer loadout", "start with sniper", "NO PVP" (<-- wtf?), "start with NVG", "Better Loot", "100 helis"...

It is my opinion that everything listed above (and there are plenty of other options not listed) ruins the game.

Most of the servers seemed to try and entice people in by being "noob friendly".

Personally I think the game should be as hard an punishing as possible. No starting loot, day/night cycle, rare loot etc...



The reason for my post was really just to ask has vanilla DayZ died? or do you recommend trying a different search technique?

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Just type in "Vanilla" in the search bar. Servers don't usually have a lot of people, but I managed to get a server that had around 20.

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Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation. Vanilla DayZ with all the Vet settings on. DayNight/FPS only/no starter equipment just regular bandage and flashlight/No crosshairs. I believe they have a server for each coast in the USA.

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How convenient.

You know, it is quite strange how I haven't played DayZ for a while, and never thought of a valid reason why.

I think this is what found it.

Don't get me wrong, I won't go completely insane if I start out with a hatchet, or even a pistol to grant me some ease. However, when I see servers that advertise MAX VEHICLES, or FULL MLG LAYOUT (Yes, I had seen one of these before), I begin to question how the validated hardcore aspect that DayZ is known for lives up today.

I think one server that made me lose my shit is one that started you out with Mountain Dew. Clicked abort and quit faster than Rainbow Dash can split the sky with a "Sonic Rainboom".

I should probably go try a bit of BB's Hardcore server, as Steak showed. Forgot that existed.

Cheers, Comrades.

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Make sure your other filters aren't hiding the servers. Was it still set to 'DayZ origins' in the mod box? I usually filter official servers with more than 20 people and less than 120 ping and get about 10.

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I hope it doesn't happen to the stand alone a few months after release... 10,000 lobbies full of crap. I think Rocket & Co. will have to take action because it's ridiculous with all these "Donation/ Payments" to get yourself a load out whereas any hacker would be mobbed on the side chat for having it. Ok if you pay for it, not if you hack for it. Total hypocrisy.

If it was a donation, you would not get anything in return.

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US 3480. Best Official, Vanilla Server out there. Good community, regular players, and good admins. We could use a little more people though!

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US 3480. Best Official, Vanilla Server out there. Good community, regular players, and good admins. We could use a little more people though!

Sounds good I'll come check it out

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Thanks for all the replys... I waz actually expecti g to get slated for my moaning lol... Yeah I dont mind for example starting with a makarov and 1 clip... It makes you almost a threat lol like on origins...

Ill have a look at some of the servers posted when i get home hopefully some of them are in the UK or Europe... Being from Scotland I might not get a decent game on a US server

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I somehow doubt rocket will outlaw the modding community. A heap of players would go apeshit on his ass. He'd have no anus left after they were finished with him.

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I somehow doubt rocket will outlaw the modding community. A heap of players would go apeshit on his ass. He'd have no anus left after they were finished with him.

I think the whole money making scheme with these "donations" has to stop tho. If not stopped then investigated somehow.

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In Europe where I live there are plenty of private servers which are vanilla or almost vanilla (e.g. a Makarov, which I discard since I dislike it anyway).

The problem is vehicles however: a little bit too many sometimes.


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As mentioned above, we're always happy to have more people to play with at US3480. It's a NY based server, people from all over seem to ping well enough to it. Hope to see some new faces out there!


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Yea, sometimes I find 5, sometimes I find 20.  Last year when I started playing there were a lot lot more.  


But I use "hide unoficial, wrong dayz version, wrong arma 2 version, day only"  I just hate night time in this game, its too damn dark.  Ive been in the woods where there was no light polution, moon+ stars+ your eyes adjusting makes crap pretty visible.  Not pitch black.  (unless thy fixed it, havent seen night in a year :P )


Anyway, not many servers with a ping under 100 from me.  

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I found an FR and GER server still on the public hive, was good to log in for the first time in ages...


I logged in at stary sobor an my pal was in cherno... I had 3 kills before I moved from my log in spot... things were crazy from the get go.... heart in my mouth, pulse racing...


ahh the good old days...



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I found an FR and GER server still on the public hive, was good to log in for the first time in ages...


I logged in at stary sobor an my pal was in cherno... I had 3 kills before I moved from my log in spot... things were crazy from the get go.... heart in my mouth, pulse racing...


ahh the good old days...




Three PKs? 

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Three PKs? 


Yeah, I logged in and there was a guy in the trees on the hill right next to the tents at stary... I didn't know he was there until another survivor came running in and got gunned down, I went hunting for the guy that killed him... I found and killed him then waited on my pal as 2 more people turned up... I think there were about 3 or 4 different groups of survivors at one point cos there was a lot of gunfighting giong on I tried to stay hidden and my pal was gunned down when he arrived,


I was killed too.. I think the whole time I was there there was someone just 50m behind me staying quiet

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