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Razzer Fel

New Player Razzer Fel

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Hi guys, account name is Razzer Fel. I keep hearing about Day-Z, and for like 25 dollars I purchased ARMA 2 so that I can get the Dayz mod I keep hearing about.

I am a hard-core gamer. Normally play from 8am-2-3pm. EST. As you can tell I don't have a life haha. Anyway, I was hoping to find some good friends in this, to me, new community. Preferably people that work graveyard shift like me. Anyway, hope to see some of you out there!

I don't really have a purpose to this thread, simply just letting everyone know who I am.

Edited by Razzer Fel

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Welcome, if you are interested in meeting up with other players you should look or post here...http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/

Guides can be found here...http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/#entry104583

Also learn the difference between Public and Private Hive Servers.

Have fun.

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Thank you guys for the replies! Slarty, I checked that server out. I am interested in it. I don't know what the Battleeye GUID is though. I just assumed it was my name.

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Feel free to check our server out (will need to apply to whitelist first) - We have friendly players (but bandits are welcome, just not hackers!) - active & friendly admins, AI base, custom buildings, and more!

Check my siggy link if interested :D

Hi guys, account name is Razzer Fel. I keep hearing about Day-Z, and for like 25 dollars I purchased ARMA 2 so that I can get the Dayz mod I keep hearing about.

I am a hard-core gamer. Normally play from 8am-2-3pm. EST. As you can tell I don't have a life haha. Anyway, I was hoping to find some good friends in this, to me, new community. Preferably people that work graveyard shift like me. Anyway, hope to see some of you out there!

I don't really have a purpose to this thread, simply just letting everyone know who I am.

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Not sure if you're aware since you just said you bought Arma II, but in addition, you'll also need to have Arma II: Operation Arrowhead to be able to play DayZ.

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