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Fall damage.

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Just something that should be added is scaled fall damage. I found a rifle and a crossbow which took me forever to get. I died cause i was in a barn and ran off maybe 5 steps up and broke my legs. Not a very fun moment.

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Get morphine, and some pain killers problem solved. Or just crawl miles till you find a hospital.

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Get morphine' date=' and some pain killers problem solved. Or just crawl miles till you find a hospital.


Or, realistically, you don't break your legs from falling 2 meters. Also, realistically, you can't carry 4 engine parts in your back pack, as well as 2 on your person.

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I think this could be easily edited, so +1 from me. The engine seems a bit weird when it comes to falling tho...

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gets complicated when you have to estimate the whole invetory-weight and there are too.

Would really like to be able to move quicker if i drop the backpack, because i can just make drops of 4m or so.

if you fell because you vaulted over the edge that could be a simulation for lowering yourself carefully

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Get morphine' date=' and some pain killers problem solved. Or just crawl miles till you find a hospital.


Or, realistically, you don't break your legs from falling 2 meters. Also, realistically, you can't carry 4 engine parts in your back pack, as well as 2 on your person.

No but you might land ackward and break your tibia, or ankles..so its not so unrealistic as you would like it to be.

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it could happen in real life it all depends on how you fall if you were paying attention , how tense your muscles were etc..

so a 5 step fall can break your leg in real life

infact anything above 5 feet can kill you that is why over 5 foot mark in rock climbing its safest practice to have a belayer

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My guy decided to mount the ladder to climb down and then decided to jump off said ladder. I fell 1 story down the ladder and died. I had 12000 blood and he just died immediately, no broken bones or passing out. The other day my friend fell off the roof of a 4 story apartment building and survived. The fall damage needs to be greatly adjusted....

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All im saying is that if i were walking down some steps and i jumped 5 feet off of them i would be paying attention to me jumping. Now specifically if you imagine the barn area with the 2 stairs. I was on i guess technically the 3rd story. i was about half way down the stairs and couldnt get around the zombie so i went left (I DIDNT GET HIT). i "jumped" off and broke my leg. a sprain if a landed on my ankle would be sufficient as like oh. However I'm a survivor in an apocalypse.... i pretty sure jumped 3 feet wont break my legs that are apparently made of fucking glass.

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