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Throwing stuff (bricks,bottles,etc)

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Very small suggestion:

How about the ability to throw things? Say you where empty handed one day in DayZ and you found a brick. Then you had a very noisy gun (CZ 500). You climb to the top of a building and you see some poor schmuch being chased by a horde of zombies. And the douche you are. You throw the brick at the poor sucker and it hits him in the head. He gets knocked out and the undead feast on him.

But this basically gives you an idea. You can throw anything like bricks, Cinderblocks, Whiskey bottles (Making a purpose for rubbish) cans, rocks, computer monitor, Dildo etc. Depending on the item results in how much damage the item does.

Throwing items would be a great way to cause a diversions to other players and quiet ways of attacking other players. Not to mention the funny moments when your on a 12 story building and you drop a cinderblock on a somebodys head. When you throw items they may make a noise on colision. If hitting a player or undead it may result in a bone-cracking sound. Hitting the groudn will give a large solid thump/spash depending what ground it hits (eg. road, grass, water)

So in conclusion a minor idea is to throw items. They can serve a distraction purpose, while being a stealthy weapon choice too.

Edited by LancerG2
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There already is a thread about this.

Someone give him the link.

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I'm sure this has been suggested but after a quick search I couldn't find anything, either way I like the idea especially if they make loud noises to attract zombies.

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There already is a thread about this.

Someone give him the link.

I feel so fewlish.

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I'm sure this has been suggested but after a quick search I couldn't find anything, either way I like the idea especially if they make loud noises to attract zombies.

Tin cans already attract zombies.

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Tin cans already attract zombies.

I'm talking about heavy objects making loud, loud bangs and the tins cans making small sounds, meaning a cinder block would have a huge noise radius and cans very little.

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I'm talking about heavy objects making loud, loud bangs and the tins cans making small sounds, meaning a cinder block would have a huge noise radius and cans very little.

If the impact is able to wreck a zombies face.

i approve.

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If the impact is able to wreck a zombies face.

i approve.

That too :). :thumbsup:

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If the impact is able to wreck a zombies face.

i approve.


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um?.... im pretty sure that you can throw bottles and cans to injure zombies and players (Not much damage) And Im also pretty sure that they make a noise that distracts/attracts zombies. I do like the idea of bricks tho... You could really mess someones day up lol XD.

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Tin cans are capable of killing zombies and breaking other people's legs.

They're probably made out of titanium or something. :P Who knows what those crazy Soviet bastards did to 'em.

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or throwing empty ammo cartage at zombies , that would hurt

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or throwing empty ammo cartage at zombies , that would hurt

- Hehe, but it's not likely to do anything other than just annoy them.

I thought glass bottles already attracted the zombies?

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or throwing empty ammo cartage at zombies , that would hurt

Exactly... They wouldn't hurt.

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Whats with all the dudes with the 1st lot of posts having "magical pony time" avatars O_o ... ummm, jus say'n.. ?

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Whats with all the dudes with the 1st lot of posts having "magical pony time" avatars O_o ... ummm, jus say'n.. ?

So. Tavi is my favorite pony. If only this suggested in the game so I could throw a brick at someone because throwing bricks is hilarious.

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Throwing stuff in DayZ like whiskey bottles is already there. You can have them in inventory and cycle to it with the "F"-key and use it to distract zombies.

Agree that this can be expanded a bit though... and lol, did you suggest throwing dildos?

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Agree that this can be expanded a bit though... and lol, did you suggest throwing dildos?

Why yes I did. GTA IV reference.

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Sounds like a good idea to me. Pretty simple yet can create a fair bit of fun while still being realistic.

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There already is a thread about this.

Someone give him the link.

After quick search I found these: this, this and this among many others...

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After quick search I found these: this, this and this among many others...

Yes but I doubt they barely gain any attention anymore Spooderman. Also this topic is labeled "HOT" for a reason.

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