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Improvised night vision.

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what about the soldering you will need to do with your electronics ?

please dont answer : the fire will do ! ---- because just try to repair a motherboard by using a camp-fire as heat source to solder some chip.... i never done this and i will never try !

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Ahem.... :rolleyes:

I remember that guide from a while ago. :)

It's not quite what I'm suggesting. My idea is little more than taping an IR torch to a digital camera of some sort and viewing via the LCD display. I thought this would be more practical since there's no soldering or fiddling with circuit boards required.

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i'm in a class at college, no time to read all the thread ....

but with this suggestion, have you ever heard of digital video camera that have a built in night vision ?

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Not hand-held ones, though I imagine they must exist.

I've seen small security cameras with IR LED's around them for sale on Ebay:-


Problem is, led's are weak and I think some of them glow in the dark - which would be undesirable ingame, I think.

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Wouldnt work outdoors past a few meters unless you have powerful IR lamps.

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Wouldnt work outdoors past a few meters unless you have powerful IR lamps.

Correct. Though, I think a powerful conventional lamp with an IR filter over the lens would do, too.

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Hmmm... when I first started reading this thread i was wondering how old the dude was that originally posted it but now I'm kinda buying the idea.. its sounds like bs with the camera thing and infrared but if others tried it and say it works well thats pretty far out

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I'm closer to the senile end of the spectrum. ;)

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has anyone not noticed the whole big problem yet?

99.9 percent of server are never dark :lol:

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Lol. I don't play the game (yet) so I don't know how many servers are set up in permanent daylight. (Kinda goes against the whole 'realism' thing, IMO.)

I just read around the forums and saw that folks seemed to covet NVG's and thought this might be a good alternative until a player gets some.

Perhaps if stuff such as this were more obtainable then people might want to play in the dark more, maybe....I dunno.

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has anyone not noticed the whole big problem yet?

99.9 percent of server are never dark :lol:

that sucks.

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that sucks.

I'd be interested to know the actual percentage of servers that do operate a day and night cycle and the reasons why people do or don't play on them.

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It's the same reason there are so many "Always spawn with dual AS50s" and "5 million vehicles" servers; A large portion of the current DayZ playerbase has missed the point entirely, and they get real pissy when you point it out.

I'm sure 99.9% 24/7 daylight is a slight exaggeration, but it's far more common than it should be.

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