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SPAM. Can I turn it off. Small LCD, it's a pain. and Shite.

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The text under the cursor that comes up when you point out another player. (what is that called???)

Can you turn that off? (because it's a pain when you are proning and some guy walks up to you because they have scanned with the cursor and found you) I am TRYING to stay away from other players!!!!


The REALLY annoying text chat on the low left hand of screen.

While roaming in the dark on my really small screen it's like a beacon.

Can I PLEASE turn that OFF?

I don't care what other idiot s are doing miles away from me.

Let me guess I am in the wrong forum....

Kind regards,

Mr Amway.

Edited by Mr Amway

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These are nameplates, Some Servers have these turned off. If you are using DayZ Commander it will tell you whether these are off or not.

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a try playing on veteran servers

b no way to turn off chat

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ok thanks.

Check: name plates, Veteran servers, can't turn of blinking lights...

Sounds good.

Thanks heaps!

Mr Amway

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I found a setting to make the on screen txt less intrusive. the interface size. (click, woah, thats better!)

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