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3 weapons like:pistol+rifle+HATCHET/MATCHETE/CROWBAR...

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I was thinking if it would be possibe if you could make that u could have equiped like normal pistol+rifle and a hatchet/matchete/crowbar or some meele weapon.

My reason is cuz when me and my friend play, its best if you have hatchet equiped cuz when u hit an zombie it kills instantly and unlike a gun it doesnt make noise to attract othere zombies. So if I had an rifle I would have to drop it and then equip an hatchet, and that's a huge problem, I dont want to waste my ammo on zombies and attract more when I could just kill them with a hatchet. I would use a rifle to kill bandits or someone who shoots at me and a meele weapon for zombies. So if im walking somewhere in a city with a rifle equiped I need to drop the weapon...then equip the hatchet...kill zombies and get my rifle back.

So I would definitely recommend that u can have 2 weapons + meele.

Sorry if it was allready recommended I didnt know what to type in :P

Edited by Freaxxy

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The crowbar did something similar for a time. I couldn't get it to work recently but at one point you could select it like a grenade and swing for headshots with it. It wasn't as effective as the hatchet but pretty damn useful. I'm not 100% sure why that changed, it could have been a bug or it could have changed when the hatchet reload was fixed. It was the best weapon for a short time. :(

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Yeah, but that u can select it normaly like with the middle mouse button, and i dont know if it could be possible in the mod be cause its Arma 2. If it cant be made then at least in the standalone. And if it can it would be great :D

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Been suggested many times before; nothing new.

There used to be a bug where it was possible to equip both a hatchet and a primary weapon at the same time, so you could essentially use your primary weapon as a melee weapon. As far as I know it no longer works.

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Been suggested many times before; nothing new.

There used to be a bug where it was possible to equip both a hatchet and a primary weapon at the same time, so you could essentially use your primary weapon as a melee weapon. As far as I know it no longer works.

Then...Why dont they make that??? Thats at least to me the most important thing in the game :P Edited by Freaxxy

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yeah i'd rather my secondary be a melee weapon than a cruddy pistol >.>

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Many ideas aren't added [to the mod], even if they're suggested countless times.

I'm sure something like this will be implemented into the standalone.

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