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What hive should I join

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looking for a good server to join to make a long term/permanent home on, with me and 1 or 2 people joining.

Things I would like:

new features such as auto-refuel, dogs, salvaging, more clothing/skins, high amount of vehicle spawns, decent loadout (pistol, few clips, bandages, maybe some tools)

so far my experience with AI added to servers has been me getting auto-aimed and killed in seconds, so im not sure if i want that, but if its in the server and works better id really enjoy it.

uk based server would be ideal but not essential

things i dont like:

having to join a website or teamspeak just to get the server password to play

requiring rMod - as a new player i dont know much about it and any risk involved with installing it, so for the time-being im not gonna use it

admins that use tools to their advantage, such as spawning things in

Chernarus ideally but I am interested in checking out other maps.

So please feel free to make suggestions about servers you play on or own and il check them out

Thanks :)

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There's this server... Balota Bunnies or something? I've heard they're all really, really, ridiculously good looking people too.

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All the handsome gentlemen and beautiful ladies

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So please feel free to make suggestions about servers you play on or own and il check them out

may want to have a look at http://bmrf.me

most innovative whitelist - just register/logon on forums,

and they whitelist your ip instead of your guid.

BMRF DayZ #2 is the best server you can put your feet on.

its 100% expert, so no 3rdp or other carebear bs.

also, no ghosting. tent's and vehicles are saving.

6 helicopters. those are where it's at - own one and the map is yours D:

they support JSRS & ACE soundmods and STmovement

was even possible to disable sidechat clientside, though the addon doesn't work anymore


(playing dayz with soundmods makes everything so much better, for me anyways)

no dogs or auto-refuel though, but i am sure dogs will make it into the mod eventually.

auto-refuel is lame, just play with friends and have a good pilot at hand, then refueling

a chopper is easy peasy.

Edited by Azrail

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Feel free to check out ***Sanctum of Chaos***

Have auto refuel, dogs, anomalies, and lots of other goodies running. You don't have to join the website, but it is the easiest place to check to stay current with all the changes. sanctumofchaos.enjin.com

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thanks for the feedback guys

still dont have any info on balota bunnies

I dont think i will check out bmrf, as i like being able to use 3rd person

and il check out sanctum of chaos :)

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Hello there

If you want a server that suits you, you'll have to do a bit of research rather than expect the best to come to you.

There's info on servers all over the forum. Why not have a look?



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There's this server... Balota Bunnies or something? I've heard they're all really, really, ridiculously good looking people too.

More of a cult I've heard... who said that? Not me, I swear!

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Hey mate,

you are more than welcome to join our server any time you like. We have 6-7 active clans on all the time that would be happy to start absorbing new players. Plus we are on all the time even if not in game i am admining. We keep on top of the server and on top of hackers. We like to make new people welcome and so feel free to come check us out and have a chat. If you are interested too i have created custom programs that allow us to run events and scenarios every week. My code only affects players wanting to take part so anyone else can still play the game completely unaffected. LOADS OF STUFF AND PEOPLE MATE. PUBLIC MUMBLE. ETC ETC. check the forum post out and check us out come online for a chat. On most nights after work.

Click on the text in my signature to be taken to our forum page also the server banner is in there too.

Feel free to PM

Hope to see you soon

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Hey we just started a new server and are trying to get a player base :) we are very helpfull and friendly there is about 10 of us that play atm, and we do have a mumble server you can join as well, and friends are welcome we have a 50 man server :). Info in sig :)


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