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Arma 2 installation folder regime. Any clues?

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Hi trouble shooting fellows.

I would like someone to point me the right direction for info:

I want to understand how and why arma 2 uses, program files AND my documents with multiple copies of the

actual arma 2 .exe / arma 2 OA and other folders files etc.

Please don't BBQ me the usual silly comments. Hold thy tongue.

Just the info or directions to find it thanks.

Manual install, no commander or six. no 3rd party stuff.

dayz origins mod. (like it)

FYI. I am not experiencing issue or problems. Just on a fact finding mission.


Maybe I should go to the Arma 2 forums... Hmmm....


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Hello there,

I dont have any dupes in my version. Perhaps an occasional edited mission pbo but that's it.



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Arma2 and A2:OA are both standalone games, so they're both installed into separate directories.

The A2:CO mode runs OA but also tells it to load the original A2 data as a "mod", so that you've got the content from both available.

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Ah, So I have now managed to copy my custom key bindings from one profile and put into another profile.


So I can back that data up into a text file for safe keeping. Excellent.

When I make my new custom keypad I can remap controls onto new key arrangements.

My profiles were in my docs. Not in program files. FYI.

Small victory there. yay!

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