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How well geared are you?

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  On 5/9/2012 at 5:54 PM, Grandmont said:

Me and a friend died with this stuff, ran back to our bodies and they didn't touch it.


What's the best gear you've ever had?


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HD3Gh.jpgSituation after looting a camp site. Backpack was filled with med supplies, 2xDew, 3xNVG and 2x GPS. After 1.7.2 L85 was gone and on next server join I was teleported to the ocean and lost rest of the stuff. Edited by Drontal

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  On 7/11/2012 at 11:47 AM, Drontal said:

HD3Gh.jpgSituation after looting a camp site. Backpack was filled with med supplies, 2xDew, 3xNVG and 2x GPS. After 1.7.2 L85 was gone and on next server join I was teleported to the ocean and lost rest of the stuff.

Lol this could be my tent farm ^^ but i had no dew

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I am currently grouped up with 6 other players [6-8, I can't remember] and this is what we have... [pictures included above. Click the link!]


2 Bizon PP-19 SD’s

2 CZ 550’s

2 FN FAL’s

1 Lee Enfield

1 M107

1 Winchester 1886

2 AKS-74 Kobra’s

3 M1014’s


2 AS50s [1 is with a member who is offline]

2 M1911s

1 Revolver

3 NV Goggles [With offline members]

1 M16A2

1 M4A3 CCO [with an offline member]

2 Silenced M4A1s [1 of them is with an offline member]

We have GPS's, etc. Sufficient medical supplies, food, water, fuel [a crapload of fuel, I must say], etc. I didn't bother showing them in the pictures.

We have four vehicles: S1203, V3S, Tractor and an Old Hatchback. [All of them are in different spots ;D]. We know where a URAL is being held by another group so we shall take that soon. [Yes, take. Not TRY, but just take.]

Of course, you may not believe the other weapons that are with offline players, but I don't really care. That's your choice.

The server is US 669, if you wish to play on there and get raped by us ;P. If you do happen to find our vehicles, you'll die before you can get to them. Our group consists of players from different sides of the world [e.g. I'm Australia, some of them are America and some are of different nationality], therefore that renders our camp protected 24/7 by at least two players. One of them shall be using an AS50 and one shall have an AR. So don't even bother trying to take our stuff :P. [No, I am not making this up. Believe me.]

P.S. One of our group members is the admin of the server, so don't bother trying to hack.

Have fun in DayZ!

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Coyote pack

Dmr with 4 clips

Silenced M9 with 5 clips






Military Flashlight





entrenching tool

Tool box

and food fer DayZ

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  On 5/25/2012 at 8:31 AM, fackstah said:

what a nice hitlist you all have here im guessing most of you all go by the same name as you forum name in game LOL

Yeah good thing for all of those day z databases that show you where each name tag plays on each server with which skin and et cetera.

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Coyote Backpack


AS50 with 3 mags

L85A2 AWS in my bag

PDW with 5 mags

some blood bags

some morphine

4 water bottles!

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Ghillie (not shown, recently acquired)


M4A1 CCO SD...when I put the ghillie on and got the CCO SD out of my tent it turned to a CCO. Whatever though.




....only thing I'm missing is a GPS

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When I spawned for the first time today, I found a dead guy right next to me with:

- Winchester with quite a few rounds

- M1911 with 5 mags

- 2 bandages

- Heat pack

- Alice pack

- Map

- Compas

- Knife

- Military Flashlight

- Matches

- Hatchet

- Binoculars

- Watch

- Tool box

- Full water bottle

And some food.

I think I got extremely lucky :)

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My best WAS:

Bizon SD with three mags

G17 with four mags

Basic tools: Compass, watch, hunting knife, hatchet, toolbox..


Medical supplies, I had some blood bags, but I have no use for them since I'm alone.

And a lot of food and drinks.

I have never found anything better than that, I play alone. And I don't think M4A3 CCO is better than Bizon.

Edited by Sutinen

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Lost my nod (nvg's) whilst swimming after a boat off the coast of Nizhi. lost to the ocean gods.

Complete bullshit by the way. Soldiers dont let gear fall out of their bags, and these guys dont spawn dressed as golfers, if you know what i mean.

Lost my Bino's.

Lost My M16a2 with 5mags

Lost my medical supplies and my alice pack with food and drink in it for days.

Managed to hold onto my pdw, secondary mags, and toolbelt gear.

So, i used to be well geared. I now have an:

FN FAL with basic combat load.

PDW with G17 and MP5 mags


A.L.I.C.E. pack


Med supplies and food for days.

Camp is set up with 7 tents with multiple weapons, vehicles, medical supplies, and food.

and believe it or not, I am not a bandit. I just choose not to die.

haters gonna hate...ching ching.

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  On 5/25/2012 at 8:31 AM, fackstah said:

what a nice hitlist you all have here im guessing most of you all go by the same name as you forum name in game LOL

Come find me bro.

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  On 5/9/2012 at 6:25 PM, sanktas said:

Got a SAW, (Machine gun) That oneshots zombies and 2 shots people. I got 4 boxes of ammunition for it, one box contains 200 ammo.

Alice bag, some steaks.

M1911, that's about it i guess. Had an ak with a scope, and like 6 clips, threw it away instantly when i found my machine gun =)

saw 2 shots zombies, and 3-4 shots people, mk 1 shots zombies and two shots people.

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  On 7/14/2012 at 2:57 PM, Predator Actual said:

Lost my nod (nvg's) whilst swimming after a boat off the coast of Nizhi. lost to the ocean gods.

Complete bullshit by the way. Soldiers dont let gear fall out of their bags, and these guys dont spawn dressed as golfers, if you know what i mean.

Lost my Bino's.

Lost My M16a2 with 5mags

Lost my medical supplies and my alice pack with food and drink in it for days.

Managed to hold onto my pdw, secondary mags, and toolbelt gear.

So, i used to be well geared. I now have an:

FN FAL with basic combat load.

PDW with G17 and MP5 mags


A.L.I.C.E. pack


Med supplies and food for days.

Camp is set up with 7 tents with multiple weapons, vehicles, medical supplies, and food.

and believe it or not, I am not a bandit. I just choose not to die.

haters gonna hate...ching ching.

your not a soldier in this you are a citizen.

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M107 (3 mags)

M9 SD (5 mags)

2 blood packs / 3 morphines / 3 painkillers

2 water bottles / 4 cooked meat

coyote pack


Edited by Fearman

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I have another AS50 in my backpack along with medical supplies.

tripple edit: I fail at censoring

Edited by Warfeet

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