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[[Looking for people age 12 - 16 to group with]]

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Hello, I am 15 years old and I am looking for people around my age to play DayZ with me. I've been playing DayZ since august but I stop in January and recently just started playing again. I am trying to form a group like in the movie the Walking Dead, the groups main objective will be to survive. If you have Skype and you want to join me in a DayZ adventure, my Skype is EximiusMiles.

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hey man i would like to play the game with you im 16 im australia i love the walking dead show it best give me a massage with your skype and ill be on after school so about from 3:09pm to 11:00pm it be fun

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You can team up with me. I am going to turn 13 soon. I am getting a DayZ server next month. My skype is: ChaseTheFun

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Hi my friend and I have formed a group a week ago. My friend decided that he is going to launch a server, so we're looking for some more people to become admins in our server which is launching April 6.

If you're interested add me on:

Steam: gam3rx3

Skype: anthony.abbat38

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