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Rather then finding 30 round mags all the time for a gun why not make it more scarce? How about sometimes you find just the mag. No bullets in it or anything. Or sometimes you can find some bullets lying around and you can put them in the mag. Or possibly just finding a bullet and loading it into the chamber of the gun. That way you can have lets say 30 single shots, and everytime you shoot you have to reload for the next shot. Or make it possible to find casings, and find the actual bullet itself(from a dead body) and use a toolbox to put it back together. That way in the middle of a fight, you can pick up the casings your gun drops and if the battle is one, go get the bullets from his body or something of that nature. I believe this would change the game quit a bit if added.

I feel like I am forgetting something, if you can add on to it please do so.

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Already confirmed for Standalone. Magazines are considered as an 'attachment' and has to be reloaded with bullets manually

Magazines that you find won't always be full

Edited by TIC321

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O okay good, Now I wasted a thread. I searched for this before posting to.

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Read up on the devblogs a bit. It will tell you what's already planned.

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