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A few bambi questions

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Been playing for a week now and I still have a couple of questions that I hopefully won't get flamed for.

I've cooked 4 goat meats and have consumed them all. However, my blood meter did not increase after eating the first one. Is this normal? Do I have to wait a period of time before the next takes affect? I've re-logged into a different server to see if it was just a server issue but still was the same level.

Does the Sleep option for a camping tent serve any purpose? I have read in some posts that it's just cosmetic and in other posts it's a way to recover blood? My guess would be it's just cosmetic, sleeping to recover blood seems like a pretty lame nerf to me.

What do all the different DayZ mod names that I see in DayZ commander signify? Are these different maps? Or different/custom mods spun off the original? Is anything with "regular" in the server name just a plain jane DayZ hive server? If I start a survivor on a custom mod server, will I still be able to keep my progress that I've got on my regular server now (4463)?

Such an amazing game, can't wait until standalone. Think I'll go play some Arma2 just to polish my gameplay a little more. Every hour I play on my survivor increases the fear of death, LOL

Any chance of a DayZ mod for Arma3? I'm guessing all the DayZ resources are being dumped into the standalone right now though, and perhaps it's using the Arma3 engine already.

Edited by cjens19

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1. Do I have to wait a period of time before the food takes affect?


Does the Sleep option for a camping tent serve any purpose?

There's a Sleep option?? :huh:

Are these different maps? Or different/custom mods spun off the original?

Both. DayZero is a custom mod with more hardcore options. Fallujah or Namalsk are examples of map mods, although I believe Namalsk also has some different weapons and such.

Every hour I play on my survivor increases the fear of death, LOL

I think that's normal, don't worry. Or rather, keep worrying. :D

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Ahhhh, so by me chowing down the 4 cooked meats in a row without waiting, I ended up wasting the last 3??? Do you know how long you have to wait until the next thing you eat raises blood? Thanks for the replies

Guess I'll have to go find an unsuspecting goat ;)

Edited by cjens19

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The Standalone will not be using the ARMA 3 engine, sadly. Though it won't be using just the ARMA 2's, either.

I really doubt the DayZ mod will be developed onto ARMA 3 by the official DayZ team, but there's nothing stopping fans to recreate it on the ARMA 3 engine.

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The Standalone will not be using the ARMA 3 engine, sadly. Though it won't be using just the ARMA 2's, either.

I really doubt the DayZ mod will be developed onto ARMA 3 by the official DayZ team, but there's nothing stopping fans to recreate it on the ARMA 3 engine.

They've already started working on the Zombie Survival mission for multiplayer servers, in fact they had that in the Alpha only a few days after Alpha release. I've no doubt it'll come quick.

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Sweet, all good news. Can't believe I waited so long to buy Arma2 in the first place, such a great game...Steam sales FTW!!!

Does anyone know if there's a length of time I need to wait in between eating Meats of any kind? Or is our blood supposed to increase with each cooked meat eaten, even if they are eaten consecutively?

Also, how do I get back in sidechat chat channel?

Lastly for now, is there a recommended spot to hack down some wild animals for meat? Or are they just random spawns throughout the map?

Edited by cjens19

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You can't regain blood through eating when you aren't hungry, that was added in the last patch. You have to wait 10 minutes before eating again will affect your blood level.

Edited by mZLY

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You can't regain blood through eating when you aren't hungry, that was added in the last patch. You have to wait 10 minutes before eating again will affect your blood level.

Ah thank you sir! I was thinking blood and hunger were on their own levels, but this change makes perfect sense. I'll just have to get blood back more gradually, which I kinda like better for immersion anyways. Thanks

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You can't regain blood through eating when you aren't hungry, that was added in the last patch. You have to wait 10 minutes before eating again will affect your blood level.

They make playing alone harder and harder....

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They make playing alone harder and harder....

I should hope so, it's the apocalypse.

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