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whats your favorite gun for slaying survivors

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AKM in all situations, it has up to 800 zeroing, and the ammo is pretty common, I consider it the best assault rifle in DayZ currently, for it's convenience rather than quality.

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hitting something with the akm becomes extremely hard after 400 meters, it's not that the targets are too small, the random bullets spread of the AKM there is just too much to hit targets constntly

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None. I don't attack survivors.

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hitting something with the akm becomes extremely hard after 400 meters, it's not that the targets are too small, the random bullets spread of the AKM there is just too much to hit targets constntly

I just walk forward a bit.

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AKM is always a good choice. Automatic fire, high damage output, decent iron sights (takes some getting used to in the firing range, but they're precise, if unintuitive) and plentiful ammo make it a great primary weapon for PvZ and PvP alike. If they're too far away for iron sights, I'll go right to a scoped rifle. CZ and ACOG are tough to use and weak, respectively, so I'll generally try for the DMR/SVD/M24/M40 echelon of rifles, M40 above all others. I object to anti-materiel rifles as a matter of principle, and do not use M107 or AS50 unless nothing else is available, although their optics and performance are excellent.

I've probably gotten more kills with the Lee Enfield than anything else, it's the casual bandit's best friend. If you aren't hoarding gear in some hidden tent or carebearing all night at the barracks, you learn to score hits with the .303 at 600m and love it.

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