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Most Wanted Bandits

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As you no doubt have seen on the leaderboards - now we have a Most Wanted List

To all of you below i salute you - but if i see your names i will be on the hunt. Bring it on!!

1 [sUB7]Blender

2 Mr.TJ

3 PR - CrazyKing

4 ShyOblivion

5 Aeq

6 Caine

7 t3rminalVel0city

8 nick

9 Jimmy

10 WestWood

Anyone want to offer rewards??

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That list is going to expand a lot - and btw, you can change your name anyway.

Being a bandit is trumping being nice.

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this is silly. the end.

Gee you really need a hug dont you?

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i offer one interwebz bean when its planted in a virtual enviroment it grows into a plant of epic meme's

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1 5118941 Waka Flocka Wayne 290 No

290 is the number of murder the guy made in one toon life. Seriously , ban the hackers

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1 5118941 Waka Flocka Wayne 290 No

290 is the number of murder the guy made in one toon life. Seriously ' date=' ban the hackers


Jealous much? It isnt exactly hard to do. But it also isnt 1 life span, you're looking at the "all time" list, that character is also Dead now.

96 is the highest so far that is "alive".

Also even if your change your name, your GUID doesnt change, so wouldnt it just be updated on the leaderboard for everyone to see? (Not sure how often these update).

Get a sniper, don't wonder close to town, have a friend as "bait" lol and you're pretty much invincible.

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