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Just a little story of my.

So i joined a server with my trusty m4 cco and decided i would go to stary sober to check the tents there. on the way i found FIVE crash sites. first 1 whas empty second one had 3 shotguns third one had THREE dmrs so i took 1 and continued on my way found the fourth chopper didnt really contain anything the last one had M14 aim my fav gun and a saw.

in short happy me :}

I wantz to hear your stories about crash sites.

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I have been on a couple of servers where you can walk 1000 meters without seeing a crash site. These kinds of servers are very good for looting. :)

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Heli crash sites + me = SVD Camo, so very VERY bored of finding this gun, I must own near 10 of these now. How on earth this weapon is still described as 'very rare' I'll never know as I hear about people finding these things all the time now.

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I've been playing on some weird servers lately. I haven't seen a heli-crash-site for 2 month at least....

I start to miss them....

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Yeah bro, not kidding atleast 10+ crashes were at starry last night on a server I went on, couldnt loot many as I have no blood but were mostly svd dmrs and shotguns

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