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Cheater dosn't let my freinds and my to get to my camp

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Hi to you all. I have a trouble with a group of friends we are like four people. We are on a server Dayz official and as soon as we try to reach our camp (with 3 tants) a Cheater teleports to us and was trying to kill us, well we could disconect with luck before we get killed,but the problem is... Know when we are next / in our camp we spawn in to a "goat" and we get kicked for "BattlEye: MPEventHandler Restriction # 3"

:/ what can we do to have back our Camp/tants...

Here is a video about what is happening...(I'm talking in french)

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Just go look for a well protected private hive and play there, it should get rid of your hacker trouble.

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Getting the Server-Admin to ban the hacker and reboot the server should do the trick.

in general, there are action-zones that can be placed on the map, that trigger an event when entered. If he placed such a zone around your camp, changing you into a goat whenever you enter, the only way to get back in there is by removing the zone from the running game or rebooting.

"look for another server" is probably the best tip given here. Try some whitelisted servers. If a hacker found your base, it's not safe on that server anymore.

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