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Vanilla Expert DayZ Server [Side Chat:Off][3DP:Off][Default Vehcile Count][DM:Off][CH:Off][NP:Off]

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Made this post on reddit about this type of server and alot of support was voiced through the discussion so my gaming community: WarMachine Gaming have a launched a new server to accommodate this area of dayz servers that seemed to have vanished with the massive vehicle servers and non stop side chat spam.

  • Side chat is disabled
  • 3rd person is disabled
  • Cross hairs disabled
  • Wrecks disabled
  • Care Packages disabled
  • Default starting loadout
  • Heli crashes spawn at server start and loot matches patch loot drops
  • Vehicles are at the global hive default numbers and spawn locations
  • Day Night Cycle


Edited by Pegz

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Hello, Pegz.

First and foremost, I hope you are having a pleasant day. Second, I wanted to comment on some of the occurrances in the server itself, and I hope you can elighten me on server procedures/bugs or at least point me in the right direction where I can do so.

I found a crashed chopper not too long ago and found nearly three soldier uniforms. However, when I added one to my inventory, and attempted to change into the clothes, I got kicked by the server, claiming I was violating a script variable (I believe it is Variable 169, or something similar, if that holds any significance). Anyways, I rejoined the server, fortunately spawned back in the same place, and was able to snag another pair from the crash site. Unfortunately, though the switching of the clothes worked, it broke my legs in the process (I equipped the soldier clothing, and as it replaced the civilian model with the soldier model, it broke my legs). Luckily, I had morphine, but I just wanted to notify you of this situation just in case this is a bug of some sort.

Thank you, and have a good day!

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