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Hello all.

So, having watched a live stream of arma 3 yesterday I saw the work of a particularly skilled helicopet pilot. Sadly, at the moment, I am not a very skilled pilot. It was mentioned by viewers of the stream that the pilot was probably using a joystick to fly with. So to my question. Can I link a joystick to solely control my heli flying within dayz/arma 2 and leave my poor attempts at flying using my keyboard in the dim and distant past?

I will say I have done some homework and cannot find a response on this forum that helps. If others can I apologies and please would you link.


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Yes, Arma II supports joysticks, just plug it in and add binds to your controls, then use keyboard/mouse for everything else. I'd give it a test run in Arma II however as it can be quite different from keyboard/mouse.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the livestream in question was Sacriel. Was quite the pilot who flew him around.

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I use a wired xbox pad to fly and it works great. The only thing is you can't change the default configuration within Arma2 but it works pretty well anyway.

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Hello there

part of the beauty of arma is all the control mapping and controllers you can use. Yes you can use any Hotas/Joy set up you wish, however i still prefer my mouse and keyboard for arma when it comes to helos, but each to their own :)



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Awesome. Yes it was sacriels stream that I watched, and yes he was pretty good!!! Maybe that will be me one day, a little more practice required. Off to ebay now to find me a decent joystick.

Thanks again

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I've yet to see flying in Arma 3 :(

Go about 8 min in if you want to just see the flying.

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Not had a chance to view any Arma III stuff but I love flying choppers, are they less 'see-saw-y' than the Arma II ones?

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Just practice using the keyboard and mouse, it's quite easy. Practice using boot camp missions and scenario missions in ArmA II and you'll be fine. Took me a couple tries at the helicopter training mission when I first got the game but I find flying quite doable (wouldn't necessarily call my self a great pilot as opposed to those who have been flying a lot longer than I have).

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I suggest going into arma 2 editor and spawning a chopper to get used to things first :)

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I would assume you can use both at the same time.

When one of my friends started playing he had only ever played console games, so he had to use his xbox controller.

He eventually stopped using it because there are too many buttons that get used regularly to map them all to the controller haha

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