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First few minutes on DayZ....

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Note: Quite a long and boring tale of a newbie's first experiences with DayZ.

So, just bought ArmA 2: CO and got DayZ running... I had some issues with spawning constantly in the debug zones, which I did fix. Then, I got into the game. The first thing I see is that I spawn near Kamenka. Ok, cool. I see a lighthouse nearby, so I head to that. I climb to the very top and scan the horizon.. The thing that caught my eye, 2 dead bodies. At this point, I feel scared. Sure, I just started, but seeing 2 dead bodies is somewhat startling. I look around for whoever killed them, but see no one. I climb down, search the bodies. Both empty. Search the Coyote Packs, there's a flashlight on both of them. Fellow newbies. I start to get worried, I go prone, and get out as fast as I can. As I get further along and calm down, I see a body in the grass. I can't tell if alive or dead, so I type in direct chat, "Hello?" I received no response. I started to inch forward, and I see that it's a dead body. I search it. Again, there's nothing. Open the Coyote Pack again, and there's a flashlight. 3 People, freshly respawned, all dead, along the same path. Could be starvation or dehydration, I'm not sure. Either way, after that, I didn't want to take my chances with the current FPS problems, and I disconnected Gotta say, I love this experience. I cannot wait for the patch so I can enjoy it even more.

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Finally a thread thats not pretending the games been out years and just been patched. Welcome to alpha!

Sounds like your having fun! Key to this game is paranoia. Hope you enjoy it as much as some of us do, remember to report any bugs you find (after a forum search)

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Great, sounds like you enjoying yourself, wish something like that would have happened to me, i would have freaked out looking around the woods for whoever killed then.

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Finally a thread thats not pretending the games been out years and just been patched. Welcome to alpha!

Sounds like your having fun! Key to this game is paranoia. Hope you enjoy it as much as some of us do' date=' remember to report any bugs you find (after a forum search)


Thanks and will do!

Great' date=' sounds like you enjoying yourself, wish something like that would have happened to me, i would have freaked out looking around the woods for whoever killed then.


I was freaking out XD. I kept looking into the woods, behind me, and even into the ocean.

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Thx. I just started today too.

I spawned on a beach and didn't see anything but some hills, trees and a dock far away in my sight so I headed for it. When I finally got to the dock, I walked around the corner of a building and saw a dead body. I had the same feeling as you did. What killed him? I searched his body and found a flash light. There was a small village nearby so I went to search it, knowing that I needed food, water and weapons. As I approached, a zombie popped out of the side of the house. I ran inside a house and headed to the kitchen. I was trapped. I turned around and saw the zombie casually walking through the kitchen door. Suddenly, it darted towards me... and ate me.

Loved it.

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Note: Quite a long and boring tale of a newbie's first experiences with DayZ.

So' date=' just bought ArmA 2: CO and got DayZ running... I had some issues with spawning constantly in the debug zones, which I did fix. Then, I got into the game. The first thing I see is that I spawn near Kamenka. Ok, cool. I see a lighthouse nearby, so I head to that. I climb to the very top and scan the horizon.. The thing that caught my eye, 2 dead bodies. At this point, I feel scared. Sure, I just started, but seeing 2 dead bodies is somewhat startling. I look around for whoever killed them, but see no one. I climb down, search the bodies. Both empty. Search the Coyote Packs, there's a flashlight on both of them. Fellow newbies. I start to get worried, I go prone, and get out as fast as I can. As I get further along and calm down, I see a body in the grass. I can't tell if alive or dead, so I type in direct chat, "Hello?" I received no response. I started to inch forward, and I see that it's a dead body. I search it. Again, there's nothing. Open the Coyote Pack again, and there's a flashlight. 3 People, freshly respawned, all dead, along the same path. Could be starvation or dehydration, I'm not sure. Either way, after that, I didn't want to take my chances with the current FPS problems, and I disconnected Gotta say, I love this experience. I cannot wait for the patch so I can enjoy it even more.


Thanks for the non rage thread. Hope you enjoy it here!

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I remember my first DayZ experience. It was on a virginia server, completely dark. I was so scared to move. :D

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Finally a thread thats not pretending the games been out years and just been patched. Welcome to alpha!

Sounds like your having fun! Key to this game is paranoia. Hope you enjoy it as much as some of us do' date=' remember to report any bugs you find (after a forum search)


The game has been out for 3 years and it's not alpha.

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Speaking of which, any tips for playing at night? XD I'm dreading playing on a server with decent ping because of the dark.

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night provides more safety from zombies but then again using flashlight and flares might make you a target practice for bandits:) chemlights cant be seen from 50 m

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I remember my first spawn.

Pitch black.

Flare! Run away!

Lighthouse, avoid because new flare thrown.

Flare to face!

Bullet to head


Love this game though. Team wars on my server for stuff. It's excellent!

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night provides more safety from zombies but then again using flashlight and flares might make you a target practice for bandits:) chemlights cant be seen from 50 m

Yeah' date=' I couldn't get my flashlight to work (either it's lag or it's just buggy. It would turn on sometimes and sometimes not, and it would also sometimes turn on and can't turn off unless I dropped it and picked it back up.) I'm probably just going to hop onto a server where it's daytime or something. I can't do too much at night yet.


Ouch Missmmm, that sucks Dx.

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Note: Quite a long and boring tale of a newbie's first experiences with DayZ.

So' date=' just bought ArmA 2: CO and got DayZ running... I had some issues with spawning constantly in the debug zones, which I did fix. Then, I got into the game. The first thing I see is that I spawn near Kamenka. Ok, cool. I see a lighthouse nearby, so I head to that. I climb to the very top and scan the horizon.. The thing that caught my eye, 2 dead bodies. At this point, I feel scared. Sure, I just started, but seeing 2 dead bodies is somewhat startling. I look around for whoever killed them, but see no one. I climb down, search the bodies. Both empty. Search the Coyote Packs, there's a flashlight on both of them. Fellow newbies. I start to get worried, I go prone, and get out as fast as I can. As I get further along and calm down, I see a body in the grass. I can't tell if alive or dead, so I type in direct chat, "Hello?" I received no response. I started to inch forward, and I see that it's a dead body. I search it. Again, there's nothing. Open the Coyote Pack again, and there's a flashlight. 3 People, freshly respawned, all dead, along the same path. Could be starvation or dehydration, I'm not sure. Either way, after that, I didn't want to take my chances with the current FPS problems, and I disconnected Gotta say, I love this experience. I cannot wait for the patch so I can enjoy it even more.




P.S I love how this game has turned everyone into a cheesy horror writer/bad parody of Alan Wake aka (Ironically a bad parody himself) lol

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