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About Missmmm

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  1. Missmmm

    First few minutes on DayZ....

    I remember my first spawn. Pitch black. Flare! Run away! Lighthouse, avoid because new flare thrown. Flare to face! Bullet to head :'( Love this game though. Team wars on my server for stuff. It's excellent!
  2. Missmmm

    1.7.1 - Respawing in field

    Debug wilderness, it's happening to a heap of people since the update. I've only spawned there once ages ago and I just ran east forever until I came back onto the map
  3. If it's pitch black it's probably night, but you're spawning in the debug wilderness. If you see other players, do not shoot them, if you get caught you can get banned. If you have a map and/or compass just try running back towards the actual map, it'll take forever but yeah. Apparently this is happening quite a bit with the update so keep an eye on the troubleshooting/bug threads
  4. Missmmm

    Bug allowing me to dupe

    Should be posting this in the Bug Report forum mate
  5. Missmmm

    1.7.1 Bug

    If it's just plain rolling hills you're spawning in, you're in the debug wilderness. If you have a compass on you, you have to run east for ages and you should eventually come back on to the map (well that's what worked for me ages ago when it happened).
  6. It's been happening with all sites that spawn zombies from what I've read on the forums. Posted a thread in troubleshooting, still waiting on more info
  7. Missmmm

    1.7.1 Deer Stands, Spawns & Zombies

    Yeah it's happening everywhere, my bf and I went to check out a shed, left with 38 kills, avoided the 13 spawned around a deer stand. Have posted in troubleshooting about it, no info back on it yet
  8. Missmmm

    1.7.1 Zombies

    Update: So stalked Rocket a little through his posts, it is a bug, should hopefully be a hotfix in 24-48hrs for zombie and loot spawn times. So I've read the patch notes and tried it all out. LOS works, not being able to go through walls is a relief and the hopper aggro animation is amazing :D Anyway, just a few concerns; My fella and I were checking out a big-arse shed with 2 little buildings, each contained a single zombie just standing there like he was taking a dump on top of a loot pile, so my guy shoots one and all fine and dandy goes in and gets the loot. I go to the other building and shoot the zombie there and magically aggro the entire town :D We handled this fine once we killed 35 or so, but we then had 3 new ones spawn really close (they seemed to be coming out of the shed I shot my zombie in) and they came to play too so we high tailed it out of there. Just wondering if there's something wrong with the spawn rate because they spawn super fast (and a few way too close for comfort)! The only other thing I noticed was on my lonesome, running through a forest no where near any buildings when I came across a friendly little hopper sitting under a tree in his jumpsuit, so I shot him. Not sure if it was a bug, but there was really no reason for him to be there unless they're going to start spawning in the wilderness. So yeah, is there a little bit of a glitch with the spawn times and/or spacing or are we all just going to have to be super careful from now on? Bonus hint: Deer stands now have somewhere between 10 and 13 zombies spawning around it including in the forest, so be damn careful! (server this was all on was ANZ 2)
  9. I've only had this problem on the NZ Orcon servers so far the ANZ ones work fine for me. I haven't figured out how to fix it, all my DayZ mod, Beta and BattleEye files are up to date, so same boat here too I guess.
  10. Missmmm

    What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

    Yeah they are already in game one of my team mates was meeting up with us on his bike, i.e. come screaming down a hill followed by a pack of 20 zambies. it hurt.