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Server host/donation thread tips: Please read

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We now have multiple servers setup around the world. To help ensure that the right players connect with the right servers please consider using these suggestions as guidelines before posting a new thread:

Please Note: Nothing in this section constitutes endorsement of any donation to a provider of servers for DayZ. The development team has no arrangement, management, or oversight of any contributions.

1) Put the name of your server(s) in the thread.

2) Please make the first post as descriptive as possible!

- vanilla or beta?

- How many slots?

- Difficulty level (i.e. Regular, Veteran, Expert): Do you have 3rd person enabled, crosshairs, etc?

- Where the server is actually located

- What time zone the server is synced to (if different than actual location)

- TS/Mumble information if you are also hosting one of these

3) Any rules that are specific to your server. Kicking to make room for admins or clan mates? No in-game VOIP allowed? Let players know this before asking for donations.

4) Contact information: clan website, admin names & email, etc.

5) IF you are going to ask for donations consider including a summary of the operating costs, any fund matching, etc. As stated in the disclaimer:

Please Note: Nothing in this section constitutes endorsement of any donation to a provider of servers for DayZ. The development team has no arrangement, management, or oversight of any contributions.

Thanks for hosting!

Edited by Dante-shawn

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Server Name: EU5

Slots: 40

Difficulty: Regular, considering a change to veteran.

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patched)

Location: UK

Time Zone: Should be BST.

Teamspeak 3:

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members, No in-game VOIP.

Contact: Myself on here, or Steam: LoftyBTB

Donations welcome, please ask for information. Donations will be matched 1:1.

Any further info required, don't hesitate to ask.

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Server Name: EU5

Slots: 40

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patched)

Location: UK

Time Zone: Should be BST.

Teamspeak 3:

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members' date=' No in-game VOIP.

Contact: Myself on here, or Steam: LoftyBTB

Donations welcome, please ask for information. Donations will be matched 1:1.

Any further info required, don't hesitate to ask.


Thanks Lofty.

I actually meant for a thread started by you, not me, but if you want to post here as well that is fine too. If you already have a thread started for your server feel free to edit it to include the information.

NOTE: In particular I asked about "Difficulty Level" because it's important enough for many players to make it a point of argument. "Regular", what I think must be default, includes 3rd person views, crosshairs, and "friendly tag" (showing player's names and range even if they may not be in view). "Veteran" and "Expert" remove some of these options.

I'm not a server maintainer so I'm not sure exactly what options you have as a host but being able to tell players (and potential donators) if you have 3rd person enabled, etc. would be nice.

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Server Name : FR5

Slots: 30

Version: 1.6 ( no beta )

Location : France

Diffiiculty: Regular

Time zone: BST.

Third person : enable

Mumble : Ask me for address & mdp

Contact: By mp in here

Rules : No night (if possible), No Voip, No kicking for admins or members

Mp me for further informations.

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My apologies, Oktyabr. Wouldnt it be easier to have them all condensed to one thread though? Would save the load on the server/database, that is already slow as it is. Maybe make this a sticky?

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Server Name: US9

Slots: 55-65 depending on load

Difficulty: Regular, considering a change to veteran.

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patched)

Location: US

Time Zone: Should be UTC.


Rules: No VOIP in Side channel, no racism or discrimination. Besides that anything goes.

Dedicating 8 servers to Dayz soon, can host 2x40 slot server per box.

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Hi gents,

I'm Hosting the FR6; FR7; FR8 (v1.5.6) dayzmod.com - Hosted by ArmA Portugal

Server Name: FR6; FR7; FR8

Slots/Players: 30 Per server

Difficulty: veteran, no 3rd person, no tags.

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patch)

Location: Paris/France

Time Zone: Should be GMT+1.

Teamspeak: server.armapt.org

Teamspeak slots: 100

Voip: Active

The rules are simple! Have Fun, NO RACISM or DISCRIMINATION and be Polite. Only English.

Server Admins: Cpt.Fred; Sapo; Bloodaxe

You can e-mail me at: [email protected]

All information about "upgrades/suggestions" are welcome!

To Donate, send an e-mail.

Best Regards,

Fred & www.arma-portugal.com

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Server Name: FR4

Slots: 40

Difficulty: Veteran.

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patched)

Location: Paris, France

Time Zone: Should be GMT+1.

Teamspeak 3:

Rules: English speakers only! No kicking for members, however in certain circumstances room will be made for Admins, in which case the highest ping gets kicked, No in-game VOIP.

Contact: Myself on here, or on the TeamSpeak3 server noted above.

Donations welcome, please ask for information.

If any further info required, don't hesitate to ask.

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Server Name: Miami 1, Miami 2

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Veteran for #1, Regular for #2

Version: 1.60

Location: Miami, Florida (i live in Fort Lauderdale, FL about a hour away from this city)

Time Zone: EST (Same NY time zone).

Teamspeak or Mumble, i really don't know these mics because i am hearing impaired and muted. I like to ask some help set up these, please PM me i hope. Thanks.

Rules: No racism or no discrimination. Please be respectful eachother, have fun play!

Contact my STEAM: DeafJerzy and donations, Paypal will accepted. Ask me on STEAM for email.

(Is this thread for signup a new server?)

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Server Name: Tomsk DayZ Zombie RPG server 1.5.7

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Regular

Version: 1.60

Location: Tomsk, Russia

Time Zone: UTC +07:00

Ventrilo 2.3 ventrilo.tech-cs.ru

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members, VOIP in-game allowed.

Contact: MrWh1te - name. Email - [email protected]

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Server Name : EE1 by xtreme-projects

Slots: 30

Version: 1.6 ( no beta )

Location : Estonia

Diffiiculty: Regular

Time zone: UTC + 3 hours, EEST

Third person : enable

TS : Ask me for address

Contact: [email protected]

Rules : No Voip, No kicking for admins or members.

e-mail me for further informations.

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Server Name: NY7 & 8

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Veteran.

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patched)

Location: New York City

Time Zone: EST

VOIP: If i see a demand i will host a TS or Mumble, but as it stands most players use their own.

Rules: English is preferred, but I don't not mind a few other languages here and there just don't spam the chat with it. Don't use VON over all chat, i am very strict on this seeing as it ruins immersion for everyone. Above all please be civilized when in my servers.

Donations and criticism welcome, email me at [email protected] or through my SteamID: Faindizzle

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Server Name: DayZ RU

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Veteran

Version: Last stable.

Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Time Zone: GMT +04:00

TS3: sub7games.com:9987

Rules: All languages is allowed. No swearing/spamming, lobby idling.

Admins: Blender, Cozzac

Email: blender (AT) gmail.com

TS3: Shown above

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- vanilla or beta? Vanilla

- How many slots? 50

- Difficulty level (i.e. Regular, Veteran, Expert): Do you have 3rd person enabled, crosshairs, etc? Regular (3rd person and crosshairs enabled)

- Where the server is actually located? Dallas

- What time zone the server is synced to (if different than actual location)? Reverse to Dallas (12 hours)

- TS/Mumble information if you are also hosting one of these: ts.arcscraft.com

Arcscraft.com is our website, we will not (unless special circumstances) kick to make spaces for admins/clan members, email [email protected] with any concerns!

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Server Name : US85 "Former TX10" - Other server waiting whitelist.

Slots: 50

Version: 1.7

Location : Dallas, Texas

Diffiiculty: Regular

Time zone: CST.

Third person : enable

TeamSpeak : Information on website. Www.wardrivers.net

Contact: [email protected]

Rules : No Voip "until Patch" , No kicking for admins or members, use your brain.

Donating : Always welcome. Servers are not cheap. Link can be found at www.wardrivers.net main page. 100% of donations goes to servers, web and TeamSpeak. Mainly servers. Rest is cheap.

Join WarDrivers [WD] : www.wardrivers.net, Apply on the forums.

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Server Name: UK92

Slots: 40

Difficulty: Regular

Version: 1.7.0 (Beta patched)

Location: UK

Time Zone: GMT+1


Respect other players.

Players are not kicked to make room for admins/clan mates.

Only players who show racism to other players or abuse/spam the VOIP unnecessarily (until patch) will be kicked.

Servers will be reset a couple of times a day until lag issues are sorted, we will do our best to give you a 15 minute warning.


Please contact me on here via PM! I happy to answer any concerns you may have.


Donations are welcome, all donations received will be greatly appreciated and will go into maintaining the server and keeping it running for you to enjoy.

Happy Gaming and Kind Regards,


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Server Name: "DayZ - LU12 (v1.7.x/93825) [3DP:ON|CH:OFF] [GMT-6] teamreapers.org"

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Regular

Version: 1.7.x (Latest beta patch)

Location: LU

Time Zone: GMT-6.

Teamspeak 3: view our website for more informations

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply + max ping at 150

Contact: [email protected]

Visit http://www.teamreapers.org/?page_id=297 to know exactly how to join the server and find all the informations! I made a pretty tutorial for people who have troubles to patch correctly.

We actually have 2 administrators from Team Reapers who manage the server (JoiNto and Aruvyel). We ensure the best services possible for our gamers.

Donations: Maybe via Paypal on website soon (I mailed the devs about that and waiting for the answer) to help for server's fees.

See ya in-game!

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Server Name: US 48

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Veteran

Version: (93825 Beta Patch)

Location: Orlando, FL. USA

Time Zone: EST

Teamspeak 3: voice.bloodheroes.net:5453

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members.

Contact: PM me here as Ilumination, Chat with me on TeamSpeak (Always on), or use the contact form on my website: http://www.bloodhero.net

Donations are encouraged and very appreciated. Every cent goes towards the monthly operating cost of $179.00. Dedicated Server package can be found here:


(Yes, the package is 149.00, but the Windows OS License is an extra 30 USD per month. Check the configuration options.)

My server is ALWAYS up, ALWAYS up-to-date, and NEVER lags. If you're looking for a very reliable and fair server to make your home, US 48 is your relief.

Any questions or comments at all, feel free to contact me via the previously posted methods. Thank you!

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Hi all new server !!!

Server Name: Multiplay :: DayZ FR vermiN ( [REG/3DP:on/CH:on/TAG:on]


Slots: 50

Difficulty: Regular [3DP:on][CH:on][TaG:on]


Location: UK/FR

Time Zone: GMT+1

Mumble french only mp me

Rules: English/French speakers only! No kicking for members, however in certain circumstances room will be made for Admins, in which case the highest ping gets kicked, in-game VOIP on.

Contact:Mp me here

Donate:if you want to donate click here http://betaforge.multiplay.co.uk/servers/584248/view

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Hello all. Dirty Little Whores here!

Server Name: DayZ - LU92 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - DLW Clan | Vilayer.com

Slots: 40

Difficulty: Regualr

Version: Always up to date.

Location: LU Europe.

Time Zone: UTC -9

Teamspeak 3:

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members.

No logging in a gunfight. Is enforced. Permanently banned.

Contact: PM me here as Incus, Chat with me on TeamSpeak, (Always someone from the clan on to get information)or on our forums http://dayzdlw.freeforums.org/index.php

Donations are encouraged and very appreciated. We are currently paying for a 40euro server and a 7euro TS3 Server. We will match 1:1.

Please visit our forums and go to the donations page. http://dayzdlw.freeforums.org/index.php

Server is always up and running the current version/beta.

I hope you pop on to TS for a chat and get this server active. Bandit clans are welcome. Lets play/fight/and wrestle for beans!

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Server name:

SK 1 Bratislava (v1.7.1.5/Beta 94444) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by ComCraft s.r.o.

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Veteran

Version: Always up to date

Location: Slovakia Europe

Time zone: GMT -6


1) Rules as laid out by DayZ devs.

2) No kicking for admins/friends.

3) No racist actions.

4) No threatening actions "outside" of game play.


Myself here on DayZ forum.


We only restart server for scheduled maintenance or if there is a sync issue with the Hive - i.e. tents have all disappeared and needs a hard reset.

Almost all players welcome - survivors, bandits, clans.

Not welcome - hackers and server hoppers!!!

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Server name:

DayZ - NL38 ( (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com | Vilayer.com

Slots: 40

Difficulty: Veteran

Version: Always up to date

Location: Amsterdam Europe

Time zone: GMT +0


1) Rules as laid out by DayZ devs.

2) No kicking for admins/friends.

3) No racist actions.

4) No threatening actions "outside" of game play.


Myself here on DayZ forum.


Paypal: [email protected]


We only restart server for scheduled maintenance or if there is a sync issue with the Hive - i.e. tents have all disappeared and needs a hard reset.

Almost all players welcome - survivors, bandits, clans.

Not welcome - hackers and server hoppers!!!

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Due to drama and more hassle then its worth we will not be renewing our server US 1476, wanted to post this before some kind soul tried to donate! ;)

If you play on our server you have about 11 days before the server is down, sorry for the inconvenience.

Edited by Femme Fatale

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