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Lumberjack (DayZ)

Vehicles not respawning

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Hi wondering if anyone can shed some light on this, our server is not re-spawning its vehicles running 1761 public hive, any suggestions?

Edited by Lumberjack
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A few vehicles on our server have not been respawning as well on reboots. Public Hive US 4275. Our UH-1H heuy went down 5 days ago and wont respawn. AFAIK it only takes 24hrs for helicopters to repop. Also we are now missing a Blue Van S1203 going on 48hrs and quite a few bicycles and ATV. Is this issue going to be resolved or is there a fix?


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@ novogeek: I am one of 3 admins so I just do a bit of the legwork and research while the owner/admin does all the pbo and server file stuff. I will pass along this information though as you have been helpful and supportive in threads I have posted on in the past.



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Already tried, didnt work (even after waiting for at least 12 hours). Still no vehicles.

Crap ... that sucks. I can't access my Public Hive from work ... but I will connect tonight when I get home and see if I am experiencing the same problem. Gawd, I hope this isn't an issue with the new release.

I do recall the Hive was down a while ago ... I wonder if this is a knock effect or something. :(

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Not too sure tbh... we have had similar issues before which we solved (at first) by altering the missions.pbo files. Not exactly sure how (1 of our other server ops did something with de-compiling these files and compiling them again) this was done, but it kinda worked. We had vehicles, but they didn't spawn on the normal locations and they didnt save their locations either after server restart, so basicly this was pretty shit. At some point I pm'ed 1 of the DayZ staff members who fixed it for our server instance. Did the same now hoping he can fix it again for us.. Im guessing this has something to do with the streaming from the main hive database (since we DID have vehicles after patching to 1.7.6(.1) for about 2 weeks).

But my guess is as good as yours... :(

Edited by terrorizer33

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Crap ... that sucks. I can't access my Public Hive from work ... but I will connect tonight when I get home and see if I am experiencing the same problem. Gawd, I hope this isn't an issue with the new release.

I do recall the Hive was down a while ago ... I wonder if this is a knock effect or something. :(

It actually did start for us right after the hive went down that night a while back. Ever since then everything that had died or has died since then will not respawn.


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If anyone is still having issues with vehicles not respawning, I can help you fix it.

Things you will need to do:

-Have FTP access to the server

-Have "stop" and "restart" access to the server

-PM me and I will walk you through the process of fixing this.

Cheers fellas, and here's to fellow Admin! :beans:

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You're a legend mate :-D Your trick worked likr a charm! Thanks for the effort and help! Our vehicles are back again :-)

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@ the rest in this topic.. Contact Jimmy or me (since he told me how to fix it as well) for a fairly easy way of fixing this (legit).

@ Jimmy, _o_ _o_

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I will check my server again, it seemed okay thus far. Jimmy ... you got ma beans. :beans:

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Hahaha it really isn't... only thing you do need is a .pbo file of which I do not know wether this can be posted publicly. It isn't my .pbo file :)

This is what needs to be done:

-Stop the server (via control panel)

-Copy your dayz_server.pbo (found in /@hive/addons)

-Delete your server's copy of that .pbo file (be sure you saved your original to your PC)

-Upload a "clean" .pbo

-Restart the server

-Let the server run for a few minutes

-Stop the server

-Remove the cleaner .pbo

-Upload your original .pbo

-Start up your server

-Drink a few pints and enjoy the action

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Nothing Shady about it, and the last step is the most important. I am sure to tell that same step to everyone who asks. You must enjoy a few colds pints after doing admin work!

Glad it's helping you all out, thanks for the beans :thumbsup:


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I think we have the same issue on our server, but our host Vilayer don't allow to access the mission pbo file.


The mission file itself isn't what you need access to, as that lives in a different directory altogether. You simply need to be able to save a backup of the file "dayz_server.pbo" then replace it with one I have available. Once you've done this, you can restart the server then replace the .pbo I've got with your original, after a final restart it's all back to normal.

^ truncated version of the "how to" but it's pretty simple. Check with Vilayer--I'd be glad to help you write a support ticket to them explaining exactly what it is that I've done so they could even do it for you. I just takes a few moments of your time, and is well worth it.


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Great solution. Works like a charme. Thanks for that :)

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Great solution. Works like a charme. Thanks for that :)

Cheers :thumbsup:

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The mission file itself isn't what you need access to, as that lives in a different directory altogether. You simply need to be able to save a backup of the file "dayz_server.pbo" then replace it with one I have available. Once you've done this, you can restart the server then replace the .pbo I've got with your original, after a final restart it's all back to normal.

^ truncated version of the "how to" but it's pretty simple. Check with Vilayer--I'd be glad to help you write a support ticket to them explaining exactly what it is that I've done so they could even do it for you. I just takes a few moments of your time, and is well worth it.


Thx for your reply, can you provide me the file, I will ask Vilayer.

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@katface: Have you tried generating a new server pbo file?


This is the mission file, if it is out of date look in your .RPT for "Mission file needs updating" if you already have the latest mission file then it will say "Mission: Updated." It is NOT the hive extension.

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In relation to the swapping out the .pbo file trick....what exactly is a "clean" .pbo and where do we get it?

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I got the 'clean' pbo file from Jimmy.. not sure if his file is special or anything.. Ask him ;-)

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