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Ok i brought the game from steam, installed the mod, and cant connect to any game. I get bad version, or other errors

any ideas guys

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Ok i brought the game from steam, installed the mod, and cant connect to any game. I get bad version, or other errors

any ideas guys

Were do i find the update

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DayZ commander? Six Launcher? In-game browser? What are you using to start up dayz and connect to servers? I'd personally recommend DayZ commander if you don't have it already.

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What you mean by what am I launching it on

just doing it via steam, brought the game via steam

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learn how to interwebz ...

All I want to do is play the game, I spent my money on this and would like it working.

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I hate it when games I brought don't work.

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All I want to do is play the game, I spent my money on this and would like it working.

Commander if free and downloads quickly, PC gaming comes with a certain degree of glitches and problems, just comes with the territory

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Commander if free and downloads quickly, PC gaming comes with a certain degree of glitches and problems, just comes with the territory

seems to be working now, I am trying to connect I see this could be fun

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open steam run arma II let it get its updates ... close... run arma II Operation Arrowhead let it get its updates ... close steam. Down load DayzCommander at www.Dayzcommander.com run Commander righthand side at the top is a tab called install/updates... click it down load Dayz... update anything that appears in yellow till it reads up to date... that is all. choose a server from the list of servers ... get ur dayz on ... any questions?

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I do agree with the fact that, for beginners, Dayz it's not really easy to install (too many steps to follow). I personally took a few days before understanding completely the procedure.

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