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Cant lower my weapon, help!

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As the title reads, I can not lower my weapon. I have tried changing the key bind to something simple, but it still does not work. I have dropped the weapon and picked it back up. It seems to be this way on any server I play on. Any help would be great. Thanks!

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You have to stand up first and it only works with primary weapons, so no lowering with pistols.

(Holstering should definettely be implemented)

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There is a similar action to pistol but it points up instead of down. You can put your pistol into this position by opening and closing your gear menu (g). Your pistol will point up as long as you don't move. You can still look around with head, and turn your body with mouse. Your pistol remains pointing up as long as you don't change your stance or move with WSAD.


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