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DayZ Huge fps Drop

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Hello , I have a Intel Core I5-460M 2.53ghz Processor

Nvidia GeForce GT 420M 1GB

And 4GB DDR3 memory.

(Windows reinstalled 1 day ago Windows 7)

(Day Z installed on DISK D (free space 481gb)

When I join a server , it doesn't matter what kind of graphics I have Low or High , I have no lags , but after 2-3 mins of playing

I have a huge fps drop , it's almost impossible to play. I tried many graphics but everything is the same.

I launch via Day Z commander , patch , I tried to write these commands to steam:

-winxp -cpucount=4 -exThreads=5 -maxMem 4047 nothing helped.

Tried different servers.

Any suggestions?

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I am sorry to say it but your specs are not very good and DayZ/Arma 2 is a very processing intensive game, this might be why you are lagging.

Edited by Hockeyguy

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I've got an idea about my Video card , could it be that my video card gets hot , and it starts lagging?

I'll try not to play , to cool down my video card a bit , and then turn on again day z , to see if it's lagging.

Edited by Arvyduksas

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I have a shittier PC and on some servers I seem to get playable FPS (around 40), even in the big cities with up to 40-50 players on the server. That is only a few servers though, like this one: (I AM NOT trying to forward this server in any way, just trying to help). Try to join that one and play for around 10 minutes and see what happens. I don't know why it is like this, but it's definently true from my observations.. lol

And btw, if someone else know of servers like this one, please PM me them or something. Because I'm desperate after playable servers.

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I've got an idea about my Video card , could it be that my video card gets hot , and it starts lagging?

I'll try not to play , to cool down my video card a bit , and then turn on again day z , to see if it's lagging.

I could be your video card, yes but it could also be your processor. Sometimes playing on certain server is better and your game will lag less.

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I noticed you're playing on a laptop.

Have you checked your graphics card and CPU temps after a few minutes of playing? Sounds like your machine might be overheating, pretty common for laptops.

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I had problems about overheating , my PC was overheating and turning off , after that I gave my laptop to the guarantee service , They changed the cooler thing. And i bought an additional usb cooler under my laptop , but i'll check the heat

P.S How to check my temps , lol?

Edited by Arvyduksas

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Yes , It heats up CPU from 70 to like 95~ and GPU i guess the same somewhere from 70 to 90~

Should i take it to my guarantee service , or is my PC too weak?

Edited by Arvyduksas

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Yes , It heats up CPU from 70 to like 95~ and GPU i guess the same somewhere from 70 to 90~

Should i take it to my guarantee service , or is my PC too weak?

Your cpu and gpu are literally burning inside.

Either get it to a service for cleaning or get a new laptop.

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Hey. I'm also having fps drops while playing DayZ. First fps is around 30, then it starts dropping to 0 and it stays there for second or two. It starts immediatly when I spawn. I ran ArmA OA Benchmarks and my avegare FPS is 40 (20-65) without drops. GPU temp is ~65°C and CPU ~85°C. I have set the render-frame-thing to 1 and I also tried many other things without solution.

My specs are:
Win7 64bit with 4GB ram
Intel i7-2630QM
AMD Radeon HD 6490M


I'm using quite slow wireless internet. Could that be the issue?

Edited by OzzyFIN

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