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Vehicle repair?

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You need t check what parts the vehicle is missing by opening the scroll menue when pointing at the vehicle

If there's no scroll menue, the vehicle won't be repairable. Only the ones you can enter can be repaired.

Edited by IOnlyCampMyFireplace
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scrap metal is used to repair the Body of vehicles. so if your engine needs repair, scrap metal wont fix it, you would need engine parts

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Keep in mind that there's been bugs involving the vehicle "eating" your part and not actually repairing the piece you replaced. Rumor has it that vehicles have trouble syncing with the server, so getting in and getting out or shooting the vehicle each time before you attempt to repair it "should" sync it back up.

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You need a vehicle first, and those wrecks all over the road don't count. Once you find one that you have the option to get in, you should have a repair menu when you scroll over the sides of the car. Additionally, when in the driver's seat, there will be some new HUD items in the top left, typically 4 green boxes and a fuel gauge as well. If they're all green, you're good to, if not, you'll need to find the corresponding parts to repair those things. Naturally, you're typically going to be looking for wheels over anything else, your scrap will only fix the hull.

Best of luck

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