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Zombie town spawn

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OK I dont get it, I stalk a small town count maybe 7 or 8 Z's I sneak in and kill one with an AXE and start to loot it and I get jumped by 3 and then more and more come, when all is said and done I have like 40 bodies on the ground and I see more comming. I dont get it what am I doing thats triggering them to come out of the woodwork.

It seems I get less spawns if I kill them with a rifle from the tree line and then go into a town to loot.

What do I need to do to clear a small town of 10 buildings in order to be able to look around for 5 minutes with out getting jumpped by instant spawns.

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Zombies continue to respawn as you kill them, and more will spawn the more you kill, up to 40. You can "clear" the town temporally if you kill the quick, but they will come back. Best to just stay stealthy and only kill those in your way, assuming your weapon is silenced.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon

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it just seems odd that when I axe one in a yard and go to grab the gear when I stand up to move I hear " RAWR " and see like 4 of them come running from the hills to me, I thought their eyesight was bad and their hearing good

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Yep and it's much worse since the latest couple of updates, in my view. Though the penultimate one was worse. I crawled into Cherno on my belly, in the dark and while in a building, as I stood to a crouch I had a zombie growl from afar and then appear around a wall to attack me. It's crazy to me.

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Keep in mind, Griffith, that certain actions now are like ringing a dinner bell for Zombies.

Filling gas cans, filling cars with gas (not as bad as last update), gutting animals (not as bad as last update) are all aggro-inducers.

Using in-game voice will also call them.

Repairing a vehicle anywhere in a town is basically suicide. Same with pitching a tent. It's like announcing an early bird special in North Florida.

You didn't mention that you were doing any of those activities, but I just wanted to let you know in case you do and find yourself getting swarmed again.

They are definitely more "out there" now. Spawning in buildings, non-aggro pathing very differently than before, and gravitating toward stuff you wish they wouldn't be drawn to.

All in all, major improvements in my book, because Zombies after all, are dangerous creatures.

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One more thing...

If you find yourself trying to get out of an Mi17 helicopter, and you are INSIDE the cargo hold, do not move. You will die a painful, yet hilarious, death.

Get on your stomach and crawl out. This is way worse than before for some reason. 80% of my exits are not to the port side like they should be.

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Using in-game voice will also call them.

^ Learned that the hardway the other night when a friend joined me and my mic got stuck on for some reason.

As to the improvements I can not speak of because I am "D+8"

I understand and it makes sense some actions trigger agro, its just lately I get agro I cant account for. Me and a buddy where moving accross a field with my buddy on point, the zombie infront of him aggro on me and ignored him even with him shooting.

Does the gear we carry effect the sound footprint we make ?

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Good question about the gear stuff. I don't believe the game makes the distinction on something like that yet.

As for why you were targeted and not your pal, it's probably just crazy bugs about the mod and zombie pathing. It happens to me and a friend all the time. Best bet is get some good hatchet practice in and make the Zs sorry! And be glad you didn't just get squashed by your own helicopter! I mean, that's the level of craziness we are dealing with. You just can't explain some of it other than that Arma 2 is being pushed beyond its limit I guess.

Good to move with a buddy though - in case you need some cover while bandaging or otherwise need a hand.

I'd love to play with you, if I ever were to play on a public server again.

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it just seems odd that when I axe one in a yard and go to grab the gear when I stand up to move I hear " RAWR " and see like 4 of them come running from the hills to me, I thought their eyesight was bad and their hearing good

You have to watch the little sight n sound icons on the right. Depending on the time of day, ambient light, and your stance too.

Example: crouch lowers your visibility a lot from standing.

Standing, they'll see you in broad daylight - or even ambient light at night - from 100m. (Dunno the actual distance, I am just using conjecture).

Crouch, and they'll have to be way closer. Move quickly while crouching and vis. goes up a little. Hold shift to crouch-walk slowy, and it doesn't go up at all.

Prone, and you are essentially invisible.

I get this all the time looting a hospital for some reason. Making tons of noise crawling across a street. I'll even have to hit SHIFT to crawl slower while prone to get the audio footprint down to 1 or 0 bars.

You'll figure it out.

If you are in the cities a lot, still, then it's harder to get the hang of it because there are so many Zs around. Go off in the hills a bit, with nothing but a shed or gas station around, and things start to get easier to keep track of when you are learning the cause and effect of what you are doing vs. what the Zs do.

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Good question about the gear stuff. I don't believe the game makes the distinction on something like that yet.

As for why you were targeted and not your pal, it's probably just crazy bugs about the mod and zombie pathing. It happens to me and a friend all the time. Best bet is get some good hatchet practice in and make the Zs sorry! And be glad you didn't just get squashed by your own helicopter! I mean, that's the level of craziness we are dealing with. You just can't explain some of it other than that Arma 2 is being pushed beyond its limit I guess.

Good to move with a buddy though - in case you need some cover while bandaging or otherwise need a hand.

I'd love to play with you, if I ever were to play on a public server again.

Me and my buddies are on US 4460, we are still new and getting the hang of it. We are trying to gather supplies and then push off to get away from the coast because all the "PRO" players with M24's and such hunting the dudes with shotguns and Axes. Will I ever get to be that good and be able to hunt the dangerous and deadly noob with an enfield with my sniper rifle and gille suit

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