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Warhog (DayZ)

Loot spawning problems?

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Good Day community.

I really don't know where to go with this problem but i hope i didn't posted it in the wrong part.

To the problem: Me and 2 buddies of mine wen't to loot the NWAF first we drove there but there were only thin cans and junk and some hatchet's so we decided to leave and go back to our camp and try tommorow. This time we walked all the way and to our surprise junk and hatchets again. I don't know if this is a server-side issue or an issue from the players-side, since came around we experience these problem and have to walk around for 5 minutes up to 30 mins to get atleast decent loot. Zeds are always here but no loot only junk, we tried the trick to pick up the junk and throw it outside but more tin cans appear and that's in the tower of the NWAF and in the upper level nothing spawns only in the staircase, after 15 min. of killing zombies and running around we got some medicine an a SA-85 and about 10 damn smoke grenades. We called it a day and left.

I read the patchnotes and acknowledged the update that nothing spawns when you drive by a vehicle but we were on foot and it's a bit annoying to wait so long to get atleast something to make the journey worth it. I guess the private server needs really to be updated to and my buddy already is talking to the operator, so i hope it will get better.

I don't know if anyone else noticed or experienced those "desynched" loot spawns?

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Military loot spots are not GUARANTEED to spawn weapons and ammo.

If you look at the loot tables, you'd see that all spawn locations have the most common % of spawning junk items such as tin cans, hatchets, broken bottles, and food. (Food isn't exactly a junk item, but you're pretty set for what little short life you're going to have with 6 cans of food.)

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Loot spawns seemed a little glitched in, but only at NWAF. After i looted NWAF 2 times, where not a single weapon spawned. I had much higher luck at Stary, where 4 did. It seems to spawn more normal in

Edited by V2_Danny

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Make sure you loot the barracks, almost every day I go there I find either a primary weapon or a secondary.

Try to get a helicopter and find crash sites.

Edited by Azziax

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Loot spawning is fine. I've found several rare weapons since the update. You have to recycle the hatchets, they don't seem to despawn and they take up the spawn location (like crowbars). If you see a crowbar or hatchet, pick it up and drop it somewhere else, that opens up the spawn again.

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