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wanting to do a death match on our server

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We did a start fresh and spawn in to fight till the death the other day and quite enjoyed it.

we were thinking of doing it with a few more people.

pm me your steam if you are interested.

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A death-match game in DayZ?

Perhaps if you mean it to be hunger games, then it would make sense.

But if you are simply going to kill other players in DayZ, why not just go shoot players in DayZ?

Hell, why not had some T-34s while you're at it?

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Deathmatch is no good without...ROADFLARES.


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A death-match game in DayZ?

Perhaps if you mean it to be hunger games, then it would make sense.

But if you are simply going to kill other players in DayZ, why not just go shoot players in DayZ?

Hell, why not had some T-34s while you're at it?

He wants everyone to start fresh, whereas if he just joined a random server, everyone else would have loads more gear.

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I guess it could be considered hunger games style....we all spawn in together and kill each other, last man standing wins, so yeah..sort of hunger games'ish

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OR, you could spawn in like 20 bicycles, and have people race! That would be great, I just read that suggestion on another thread. But totally do it, I'll take part!

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