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Be or not to be friendly?

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Just found 3 guys here that shot me on sight.

Now I'ma kill everyone I find.

What about you guys?

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The only people I've seen that don't shoot you on sight are the ones without a gun.

If you see another survivor head in the opposite direction.

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Just found 3 guys here that shot me on sight.

Now I'ma kill everyone I find.

What about you guys?

excatly what i do now! was getting chased by a few zeds and raced to the hanger hoping there would be a gun and there was but as awlays a pesky bandit was lying in wait and shot me dead while getting the gun, he got away from the zeds too as i went back and looted my dead body!

So soon as i get my gun i shoot any player i see that is close to me! i don't go hunting them thou like some do! i am not that type of player!

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I'll always be friendly but cautious. I don't see a point in adding to the shoot on sight problem, but that doesn't mean I won't take every necessary precaution when encountering somebody.

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Man you should have figured that out ages ago.

At first, I shot everyone, then I became friendly, now with this, just watch me.

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I'm usually playing as a bandit, but yesterday I was actually friendly for a change. I was lacking ammo and needed blood to keep going (due to the infinite zombie respawns in 1.7.1), asked for help in the chat and two guys were actually kind enough to help me out. I played together with them for a while, until I got killed by zombies trying to raid a guard tower.

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I met a guy the other night who was honestly friendly. Exchanged skype/steam info and been playing together with my irl bro since. His irl bro is joining up to for a four man force.

He was armed and using Direct Com asking not to be shot, then he was glad he met someone not interested in shooting him on sight.

First time in two weeks though.

My normal survivor run in experience is catching a sniper behind a bush and then watching him disappear when he notices he's been seen.

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Which one takes more Balls?

Let a guy stick a gun in your face not knowing why or shoot him in the back when he didn't even realise you were there?

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I would say around 40% of the time i've encountered a survivor and not shot at them, they've turned out to be friendly. The other 60% have just murdered me.

Now I just try harder to avoid them completely. Instead of walking upto one, I hide and move away.

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Well I learned my lesson earlier. Trying to be nice and give a new spawn guy a pistol. He takes it and shoots me in the back. Well played I guess. Everyone's free game now.

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Its a snowball effect.

When I first started I didn't shoot anyone. In a very quick hurry I learned that if I want to survive for more then 10 minutes, I have to pretty much kill or run from everyone I see. So now I'm sure I've killed "friendly" people who learned the same lesson I did, and now themselves kill everyone on sight. Its a vicious cycle without end.

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Best is to avoid other survivors. But if they come close shoot first, and ask questions later.

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"Kill on sight" is kind of a dumb thing to say. After all, I've seen people at 600 meters, and when I do, I just avoid them.

The dangerous thing is when you're running around and suddenly come face to face with someone you had no idea was there. That's when you need to make a decision.

Did he see you? What weapon does he have? Can you get away from wherever you are without him seeing you?

Like, if I'm sitting in Sosnovka, I can get into a nearby treeline and hide.

But if I was at Vybor, there'd be no cover to conceal my escape, he'd probably just see me running across the plains.

Then, if he has a Remington 870 and an M1911, that's not really a problem. But if he's carrying anything with a magnified scope on it... I'mma have to shoot him.

I've also had to shoot some people who were stupid enough to keep moving closer, after I told them exactly where I was, and not to go there.

Bottom line, I'll try to avoid you if it's safe for me to do so, but if it's not, or you've got me backed into a corner, whether you know about it or not, my safety comes before yours.

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Be friendly...or not :-) What you want, it's your game..play how you like.

I'm always friendly, i'll only shoot in self defence, but that's how I like it.

Maybe there are just too much bullets ingame...makes people think less about how to use 'em.

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The first guy I met shot me in the head the second he saw me. The second blew me away after I stood up and told him I was unarmed and friendly. Third guy was bleeding out in the elektro church, so I bandaged him up and gave him a transfusion and we explored the city together, before we both got sniped. So, despite getting shot more often than not, I always try and be friendly, because the few times it works are amazing. Seriously, meeting someone out of the blue and working together is great. Even if the 9 times out of 10 I try to do it I get shot by some bastard while screaming into my mic about being friendly.

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survival rule #1: be friendly only with those that have no guns

survival rule #2: be friendly only with those that have better guns :P

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Killing begets killing. Every time I see a survivor and try to make friends I get a bullet to the face. So I simply return the favour now. After all. It's easier to kill a survivor for a tin of beans and a drink than it is to search a town for it.

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I started playing 3 weeks ago. In my first 2 weeks I encountered 5 survivors.

3 ended with us shooting at eachother

1 ended with the survivor killing zeds that we were trialing out of Mysta, then he hung with us while we went in town, then as we were leaving he shot us both in the back.

1 ended with me at the NE airfield and seeing 3 survivors in the tower. I called out "friendly in tower? I have only a makarov, no ammo, and I need food and water..flashing red and dying!". They replied "Friendly..come on in we left you some stuff". So I cautiously went in..and the stood there and left bandages, an AK with ammo (TRUSTING!!), and one guy even dropped 2 tins of food and a soda. I picked all up and we raided the hangars together...when done they were headed to Kharno and I to Berezino. We all saluted and went out seperate ways.

Moral to this story is...shit I dont know... it seems you are LUCKY to find survivors that wont just pop you. If I wasnt desperate for food and water... and it was a single survivor in the tower I may have waited or run in and popped him. I dont trust ANYONE.

If Im ok and healthy I will hide and wait for survivors to move on...but if I run into a building and a survivor is there... I shoot. I try not to...but just been whacked too many times.

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i jsut ask in side chat if the person is friendly, if not, his head top is gawwwn.

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Its a snowball effect.

When I first started I didn't shoot anyone. In a very quick hurry I learned that if I want to survive for more then 10 minutes' date=' I have to pretty much kill or run from everyone I see. So now I'm sure I've killed "friendly" people who learned the same lesson I did, and now themselves kill everyone on sight. Its a vicious cycle without end.



I really wish there were some hardcore penalty for being the first person to shoot at another (and a way for the game to track this, so if you fire back in self defense you dont get a penalty). Like the next time you respawn ...you respawn with nothing (oh wait..its almost there now..lol), or bring back the bandit skin. Something!

i jsut ask in side chat if the person is friendly' date=' if not, his head top is gawwwn.


So now that Side Chat is gawwwn... are you going to just shoot everyone?

Thats the bad thing about no side chat... and direct chat having a very short range (40ft?)...

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Its a snowball effect.

When I first started I didn't shoot anyone. In a very quick hurry I learned that if I want to survive for more then 10 minutes' date=' I have to pretty much kill or run from everyone I see. So now I'm sure I've killed "friendly" people who learned the same lesson I did, and now themselves kill everyone on sight. Its a vicious cycle without end.


Yep people...to give a mild example if someone nudges you, you punch back 10 fold...or when a kid gets bullied...he then becomes the bully...violence begets violence...dont hate the game hate the players.

Hopefully some reasons to COOPERATE will emerge cause sadly right now the ONLY real activity once you get gear is to PVP...

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It depends. As many have said, most players are somewhere between 'friendly' and 'bandit' and how you meet makes all the difference.

I'll preface my experiences by stating I play as a pure loner. I avoid Cherno, Elektro, and the coast in general at all costs. If you want to play as a 'friendly' or don't want to kill other players simply for the fun of shooting another player, freaking stay out of Cherno and Elektro! I have no problem if that's what people want to do, so I stay away instead of crying about PK-ers. It's like complaining about hookers being at a whorehouse. Even on spawn, I'll quickly scoot right past coastal towns for the second set of towns inland to start gearing up. In general, I'm out in the wilderness checking deerstands for military weapons and quickly sneaking in and out of towns/barns for other stuff. Carry three canteens and use ponds to fill them. Shoot boars and cows for food as much as I can.

In general, I rarely run into any players and, when I do, they usually don't see me. In those cases, I almost NEVER shoot because they usually don't represent a threat and I quietly head the other direction. For me, it's always risk vs. reward and not killing 'just because I can'. I don't want to needlessly aggro zombies (conserve ammo and health) and you never know when that one guy you see is actually 1 + 3 near him out of sight. I don't want to fire shots and announce to anyone nearby exactly where I'm at.

The three types I run into away from the coast/ in the north (not at NW Airfield) are:

A) Friendly - will not shoot you and want to team up/chit chat. Usually a newer player and a zombie magnet.

B) Aggressive - will shoot you at the first chance they get. They'll often do it even if they'll aggro 30 zombies nearby. They're playing to shoot other players or simply freak out at first player contact and shoot.

C) Neutral Loner - most common - Will hold fire and stay hidden until they figure out your intentions and make sure you are not a threat. 'Threat' isn't just being aggressive towards that player by shooting. 'Threat' could be that you're approaching them from behind or approaching too closely. 'Threat' could be that your aggro-ing every zed in a 1km radius and dragging them to him or near him. This is the guy that (like me) that you often didn't see. This is the guy that makes you think 'everyone' shoots on sight because you never knew he was there, he could have shot you, and didn't. He didn't shout "Friendly!!!" or "I'm the guy near the barn! Can we be friends?". No, he waited quietly, observed, assessed the risk, and decided to avoid.

But, yeah. If all a player does it hang out in the War Zones (Cherno/Elektro), he probably does think 'everyone' shoots on sight. In those places: yes, they do usually shoot on sight. Off the coast, it's entirely different story. The 'bad guys' are generally smarter and more skilled, but there's far fewer of them. A lot of the guys like me that are away from the coast are there for a reason: they don't want to play DM and will usually do a little thinking before firing at you in the middle of a town.

As stated 1000 times: get off the coast!

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i jsut ask in side chat if the person is friendly' date=' if not, his head top is gawwwn.


So now that Side Chat is gawwwn... are you going to just shoot everyone?

Thats the bad thing about no side chat... and direct chat having a very short range (40ft?)...

Well, would you trust some random dude claiming to be friendly? If he's friendly, he won't shoot you, and if he isn't, he'll say he is and shoot you anyway.

Every time I see someone go "Friendly?", I laugh to myself. It's so damn naive.

After playing something like 120-140 hours, I''ve only trusted people three times, and on each occasion I'd been observing them for 30 minutes or more, and seen them run into other survivors without going hostile.

And each of those times, we had a load of fun for multiple hours, going on until everybody had to leave for the real world.

I've helped people without them knowing it was me as well. Stuff like shooting Zs chasing another guy, helping him out that way.

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