Absmoke 1 Posted March 5, 2013 (edited) Hi everybody! I'm a new player and I had a few troubles installing DayZ, it is harder than it seems.I installed it (after have had many errors during the installation, such as "bad game key" and many others) with ARMA C.O. but now I don't understand : I launched the game but now I've to update to the latest version, do I have to pay it (it's written 7 euros about)? But how many things do I have to pay before playing it? and where can I find the right patches, and how do I install them?Please give me a clean and complete answer about all the installing procedure to play DayZ!Thanks a lot! Edited March 5, 2013 by Absmoke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmberHelios 2071 Posted March 6, 2013 ok first of all all you have pay for is combined operation nothing else where did you get the game from if its steam its already updated if its retail what version is arma2 on and what version is arma2 oa on (look in bottom corner when starting the game)Arma2 needs to be on v1.11 and oa needs to be on 1.62 download these patches from here you may have to install more then one to get you to the required versionsdownload dayz commander from herethen click on the install/update on the top and install these for the vanilla dayz search for a server and double click to launch job done 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 6, 2013 Thanks dude! I've installed the latest version and launched a random server. Now the problem is : where do I find a good server to play in? and how can I get in without problems then?(ex: I joined a server but they kicked me cos I had a "ping too high", what does it mean?).Thanks very much! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azziax 81 Posted March 6, 2013 (edited) In DayZ commander you can set filter options on:- Wrong version of the game- Wrong version of the mod.After these filters have been applied you can actually join the servers that pop up... then just search for a server with a low ping (you can see it on the far right in DayZ Commander)And also look for a description you like (F.e.: PVP server spawn with sniper)Ping is an Abbreviation of Packet INternet Groper.Functions as a sort of echo to test the speed of the connection. Your computers sends out a signal and measures in time how fast the server receives it, accepts it and sends it back to you.This is measured in MS (miliseconds) if this amount is too high your connections causes lag on the server. Most servers allow a max PING of 350 ms. Edited March 6, 2013 by Azziax 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted March 6, 2013 (edited) Ping to high meant the reponse time between you and the server is very high, and servers can puta maximum ping in (i.e. 250.)Try to find a low ping server in Commander.You can also chose between a Official or private hive. You can recognize a private hive.It had a little cloud with a cross in it on the beginning of the server name.Official hive have the advantage, that your character and gear is being 'ported' to other official servers,so if you log in at another server, you still have your stuff. Bad thing is, official server are mostly overrun by hackers.Private servers usually have a lot of extra stuff, like extra vehicles and better starting gear.My advice, find a low ping private server with at least 25 players on it, and enjoy.EDIT: If you found a server you like, put it in your favourites! Edited March 6, 2013 by JohnnyColt 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 6, 2013 (edited) Ok I found a few servers I could play in. But about private servers, don't I risk that they close whenever they want (or change something), and then when I decide to play I can't get in anymore? (Since, maybe, the private owner decides the rules of the game).Plus I'd like to play with a few friends, how can I meet them? I mean, how do I look for the server they're playing in?Thanks a lot to everyone :) Edited March 6, 2013 by Absmoke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted March 6, 2013 Yes, but public hives can go offline unexpectedly too.Only thing is your gear isn't lost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 6, 2013 Yes, but public hives can go offline unexpectedly too.Only thing is your gear isn't lost.Thanks dude, and what about meeting other friends in game? Should I just copy and paste the server name into DayZ Commander and look for it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted March 6, 2013 If you use the search option in Commander, you can search for their ingame name.If you want to play co-op with you friends, download TeamSpeak 3 or use Skype. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 6, 2013 (edited) If you use the search option in Commander, you can search for their ingame name.If you want to play co-op with you friends, download TeamSpeak 3 or use Skype.Perfect! But the ingame name corresponds to the one I've on Steam? Edited March 6, 2013 by Absmoke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azziax 81 Posted March 6, 2013 Nope, it doesnt unfortunately,Just remember any thing in particular of the servername that you joined. (or IP)With the search function your friends can search for the server you joined and connect to that as well!Good Luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tym17 0 Posted March 6, 2013 Hi every one, i'm new too and i can't join much server ( around 1 on 80 ) and my friends can't reach them, when i try to join my friends' server it excludes me because i have the wrong version, but i checked on dayz commander, i launched dayzcommander and did what is said in the 2nd post... i got exactly what the screen is showing now DayZ commander says i'm up to date every where ( Arma 2, DayZ ) but when i try joining a server i keep getting kicked for "wrong version"... I bought the game on steam a week ago ( Arma 2 Combined Op )... Please help !Thanks a lotPS: i try to join the chernarus map and in dayz commander hide wrong Arma 2 version and hide wrong mod version are ticked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted March 6, 2013 ^ Can try a fresh re-install and make sure to run arma 2 then arma 2 oa through steam first before you install or try playing dayz, also you could try going into your library on steam right click Arma 2 OA - hit properties - the hit local files - then hit verify integrity of game cache. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azziax 81 Posted March 6, 2013 Hi every one, i'm new too and i can't join much server ( around 1 on 80 ) and my friends can't reach them, when i try to join my friends' server it excludes me because i have the wrong version, but i checked on dayz commander, i launched dayzcommander and did what is said in the 2nd post... i got exactly what the screen is showing now DayZ commander says i'm up to date every where ( Arma 2, DayZ ) but when i try joining a server i keep getting kicked for "wrong version"... I bought the game on steam a week ago ( Arma 2 Combined Op )... Please help !Thanks a lotPS: i try to join the chernarus map and in dayz commander hide wrong Arma 2 version and hide wrong mod version are tickedIn the server list... is the server name typed in white or in grey colour? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted March 6, 2013 Also try re installing arma 2 version and the version of the map your trying to play, make sure to have DayZ itself in DayZ Commander updated to latest version, also one of your files could have gotten corrupted while installing said version of the map or arma. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tym17 0 Posted March 6, 2013 thanks for that very fast answer ! And in Dayz commander server names are white, i'm going to do what said Giiwedin and i have a last question, is it okay to install DayZ from Steam ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 6, 2013 Ah yes... and then how can I reach my friends ingame without having a map?? =/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted March 6, 2013 Ah yes... and then how can I reach my friends ingame without having a map?? =/Use a online map from the dayz wiki, or dayzdb.com.Remember that even if you find a map, Dayz doesn't give your position on the map like a marker.You have to navigate oldfashion, compass, sun.And if you see clouds moving, they always move from west to east on chernarus.So if you turn your character in such a way, that the cloud move from left to right, you're facing North. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 6, 2013 Use a online map from the dayz wiki, or dayzdb.com.Remember that even if you find a map, Dayz doesn't give your position on the map like a marker.You have to navigate oldfashion, compass, sun.And if you see clouds moving, they always move from west to east on chernarus.So if you turn your character in such a way, that the cloud move from left to right, you're facing North.Ahah damn! Didn't think it was so realistic, really hard and challenging at the same time!Let's try it then ;)Thanks very much Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted March 6, 2013 thanks for that very fast answer ! And in Dayz commander server names are white, i'm going to do what said Giiwedin and i have a last question, is it okay to install DayZ from Steam ?I did not know you could install dayz from steam lol, do you mean in the dayz commander settings to " replace original arma2oa files with beta so steam works? 1 last tip too while using dayz commander if you would like a little bit better frame rate, go into settings and click " Close DayZ Commander (after joining a server " . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tym17 0 Posted March 7, 2013 thanks Giiwedin, i can join few servers but still not those with the Version 102591... i checked Arma 2 OA via steam properties thing it said it was going to reinstall coponents that coud not be verifyed, then i uninstalled steam's dayz and installed dayz throught DayZ commander ... i think my ArmA2OA's version is too much new or something like this its 1026** so maybe when the DayZ commander wants to patchs it to 1025** it says its ok cause as newer version it says no need patching or something like that ? maybe should i download an older version of the game but where... helpThanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 7, 2013 Guys I've an issue : I don't understand if when I log in a server, then I log out, and then log in again (in the same server), do I find all my stuff again or everytime I've to start with anything? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fliipo 0 Posted March 7, 2013 (edited) Guys I've an issue : I don't understand if when I log in a server, then I log out, and then log in again (in the same server), do I find all my stuff again or everytime I've to start with anything?Yes, you will have the exact same gear as you had on the server you were playing on. (If It's an official hive server)If you were playing on a private hive server, you will only be able to use that gear on that specific server. Edited March 7, 2013 by Fliipo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Absmoke 1 Posted March 7, 2013 Yes, you will have the exact same gear as you had on the server you were playing on. (If It's an official hive server)If you were playing on a private hive server, you will only be able to use that gear on that specific server.Thanks very much ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites