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AR15.com server reboots when they die / lose gear

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This game needs official servers so badly it's silly. I don't care if it happened or not, the fact that we even have to sit here and have this he-said-she-said conversation while we all know perfectly well the only people who have definitive evidence are the ones being accused which means it's all a fucking sum of zeroes and completely pointless even fucking discussing it makes us all look like a bunch of boobs. Everything is circumstantial and there's no way any server blacklisting or litigation is going to result. This thread is going to die a few hours from now, disappear, and everyone will go right on marching around Chernarus.

Only problem is this kind of shit does happen every fucking day on tons of servers, whether this particular instance is genuine or not, and there's nothing anyone can do about it and basing the future of this game on that system is kind of silly. It's too important to entrust to the hands of a bunch of self-important ninnies who think cause "I PAY DAH BILLS ROUND HYAUR" that they write, enforce and exist above the law.

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Now you've aired your dirty laundry in front of God and everybody....and you look like fools....plus the way you responded makes you look just as childish and low as the OP.

And I think OP needs to send his "proof" to the dev team and not start bullshit drama on the forums like an attention whore.


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It's okay' date=' Mr. Athens in Tennessee...you can't hide even online >:).


Which of the umteen zillion free sites that give you an overall region for an IP did you use, and am I supposed to be intimidated or anything? :rolleyes: Have fun driving over to the mcdonalds with wifi.

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Not saying I'm on the side of FullAuto' date=' but it's pretty damn inconsiderate as an admin to reboot a server knowing that you just died by another player and left them your vehicle. Not just that but when confronted with it you basically said "deal with it".

I would expect better from an admin. Express your sympathy for him and tell him you'll try to make sure similar things don't happen in the future. Perhaps hook him up with some gear to compensate his trouble.

Really, you guys should have ignored this thread, or simply replied with something like "report us to Rocket if you have issues". I know that I'll be staying away from the AR15.com server in the future, I prefer servers with mature admins who don't resort to insults and actually care about random pubies.


Yes, I will be the first to admit that maybe I should have waited a whole 15 fucking seconds longer to reboot the server so that random on our server could have taken my shitty loot. But with that said I will point out again that the restart was ANNOUNCED several times starting 10 minutes before my death. I did absolutely nothing wrong here.

As for your avoiding our server...cool, you do whatever you need to do. I've handled this in the most professional way that I could handle it considering we're dealing with a no-lifer that has nothing better to do than troll our servers, forums, and teamspeak.

If this is indeed true (Really looks that way from the way AR15 is responding to this thread/on their forums that were screenshotted) they should have their server blacklisted asap..

I hate people who do this shit' date=' really ruins the game for everyone.

I also don't understand why they do it.. the entire point of the game is survival, if you are gunna cheat and take all the fun out of it why even bother playing?


You're making a conclusion based off of what an obvious troll has stated. If you're cool with that then carry on I suppose.

Our server has NEVER been rebooted for malicious purposes and I will repeat yet again that the DayZ staff are welcomed to help me prove that via our server logs or however else they can check. I'm pretty sure Rocket said he can prove if a server admin has been rebooting servers for BS reasons. Let's end the drama and have that looked in to.

It is funny how the tone of the conversation changes midway through.

Good luck pressing charges on OP though. lol

No one is pressing charges on anyone. Yet another statement from our ar15 thread taken way out of context by the troll.

The admins of said servers response is pathetic and unprofessional.

They should be banned for their attitude alone.

I'm the only admin that has posted in this thread. Sorry you feel that way.

ran into a few admins who do this it's pretty lol for em to rage quit a whole server XD

Like I said several times now' date=' not once has our server ever been rebooted for malicious reasons and we're willing to have that proven by DayZ staff if they would be so kind.

I think that OP is trying to cause trouble for the AR15 guys. He's quite clearly a troll and drumming up drama because he's butthurt about something.

That being said, you AR15 guys should have never responded to this. By bringing more drama in here, you have weakened your position severely.

And if you HAD to respond, it should have been something professional like "If you have proof...take it to Rocket and we'll hash this out privately."

Now you've aired your dirty laundry in front of God and everybody....and you look like fools....plus the way you responded makes you look just as childish and low as the OP.

I think this thread should be closed, and forgotten about.

And I think OP needs to send his "proof" to the dev team and not start bullshit drama on the forums like an attention whore.

I agree that we should have just ignored it but you know how people are on this forum, I had to at least let you guys know the real side of the story instead of just the taken-out-of-context and/or fabricated bullshit the op has been posting. I mean, look at his posts. It's so painfully fucking obvious that his only intent is to cause AR15 headaches and we've already determined he's some jackass from our forum.

As for how I've responded to this, I've done so without lowering myself to the troll's level. I am not responsible for anyone else posting on our behalf and frankly they shouldn't even be posting in this thread because it's only fanning the flames. My only reason for being here is because it apparently involves me and the server I admin and I would very much like to get DayZ staff involved in this in the hopes they can clear our name and maybe even ban this idiot from the forum.

OP won't send anything to the dev team because there is no proof. He has a screenshot of one of my harmless posts, and an audio recording of someone "admitting" we reboot the server for personal gains or whatever which was never said. That person that supposedly admitted this isn't even an admin which is the best part, they have no clue how the server is operated. Why do you think OP didn't even post this in the proper section? He's just some kid that's upset for whatever reason and taking it out on us.

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Tell you what. I'll lock the thread because of the direction it is going for now and let the developers take a look at the entire thing.


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