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AR15.com server reboots when they die / lose gear

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proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu62BSe8yak&feature=youtu.be

saw post (first tinypic link). loled. went onto teamspeak, social engineered arfcommers in .5 seconds by posing as an employee of magpul "we play in the breakroom all the time now" told them i lost some gear in a blown up tractor because of a [misc] member, asked if i can get a server reboot if it happens again and i lose really important stuff

apparently fraps only records what i hear, not what i say

see also: http://i49.tinypic.com/5bcoi1.png


and then they start accusing it of being a "trap question" trololololol

oh noes they be all afraid of bein recorded 'n shit, exactly what people with nothing to hide would say: http://i48.tinypic.com/2a9rxx4.png

plz call internet police on me for recording ur convos, ill hold my breath and wait, ok ready go *deep breath*

OH SHIT THE GUY WHO PAID FOR HAX IS SENDING ME 2 JAIL, YO http://i49.tinypic.com/oqjd37.png

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no but it was produced by Brool Story Co

Oh and check out the InfiniteGrim guy, he apparently is running hacks if you check the links in the youtube vid

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I've been wondering when you were going to post this BS on the dayz forum.

Ok everyone, so here's the deal with this guy...

So this dude who uses the name "magpulsteve" on TS joined our TS3 server last night with some random questions and then departed. No problems here...yet.

An hour or two ago I come back to my desk and notice a conversation going on. I overhear him making ridiculous threats and saying he had proof of a bunch stuff and that he's having rocket blacklist our server. I come to find out his "proof" consists of one of my forum posts and a recording of an answer someone else gave him to a loaded question he had asked. I asked him to explain what was going on as I am one of 2 admins(under the server owner) that operate our server. He was silent for a bit, then said something I couldn't hear, then disconnected.

After talking to some of the other guys that play on the server I had found out he's extremely butthurt about who-knows-what and apparently took something I said on our forum completely out of context which he had planned to use to get us blacklisted.

Just based on what I heard him say he came off as some sort of early-teens douchebag that was upset about something and decided to come troll us about it with this crap.

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Dunno who the neckbeard guy is in the background but damn he's got an annoying voice

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As for his proof that I have yet to look at(and probably won't look at), no one in any sort of admin position "admitted" to doing any reboots other than reboots that were either scheduled or warned 5-10m ahead of time via BERcon.

The post of mine he refers to on the forum is where I mentioned someone that killed me being unable to loot my gear due to a scheduled reboot. There's at least 20 regulars of our server and our TS3 that can confirm that this reboot was announced at least 10 minutes prior and in fact the reboot came late because they were waiting on me to do it. After I died I said "ok, no longer need to find a safe place so I'll just reboot now" because my intent was to hold off the reboot until I was able to park somewhere and save the vehicle. The fact some random didn't get loot due to this scheduled reboot is a raw deal, but no rules were broken, and this had absolutely nothing to do with this butthurt child who's only intent is to troll us.

TBH, I'm pretty sure this guy is a troll from the forum where we all hang out at and it seemed like he was just wanting to get people riled up. I got his IP while he was on our TS and will be handing it over to our forum staff to find out who it is.

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That reboot was talked about well before he died. We all had logged out and were waiting for people to logg of so we could reboot. We got tired of waiting and just rebooted it.

Also you came into our teamspeak and asked us to reboot the server to save your tractor.

no but it was produced by Brool Story Co

Oh and check out the InfiniteGrim guy' date=' he apparently is running hacks if you check the links in the youtube vid


Hacks you say? Like what?

I'f I'm hacking, then why did I need someone to walk me through step by step for 20 minutes just to get this game to work? I doubt a hacker would have trouble setting up a mod for a game.

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Naw brah I came in and asked if in an extreme circumstance, like losing a lot of loot, we could have the server rebooted, and you can hear the reply in the youtubez.



nice trying to lay down new, un-approved by rocket, permaban rules

I own ar15s, I roll with an ar15 tag because I'm proud of my ar15s, you guys are gonna permaban me from your server if I join it? lolwut

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I got $20 that you are this guy from youtube...

Hey, i'm a lurker at AR15 forums, and I also have Dayz for Arma2. Would you like to play together? I have a group of about 4-5 consistent people, as well as 10-12 inconsistent people.

If you would like to play together, send me a message, and i'll shoot you a friend request on Steam

2 days later....

Too late now bro. I see that you and your team like to cheat and ALT-F4 during firefights [Watched your NE airfield firefight vid], and If I see you or your suck ass crew, my people will roll you over, and we'll report you for cheating.

Fuck you for cheating, you piece of garbage.

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ps yes i did social you guys via teamspeak, thats how i murdered "shim" or whatever his name was twice in a row on electro last night.

pps busted @ infinitegrim http://i46.tinypic.com/b7ndzk.png

I got $20 that you are this guy from youtube...

Hey' date=' i'm a lurker at AR15 forums, and I also have Dayz for Arma2. Would you like to play together? I have a group of about 4-5 consistent people, as well as 10-12 inconsistent people.

If you would like to play together, send me a message, and i'll shoot you a friend request on Steam

2 days later....

Too late now bro. I see that you and your team like to cheat and ALT-F4 during firefights [Watched your NE airfield firefight vid'], and If I see you or your suck ass crew, my people will roll you over, and we'll report you for cheating.

Fuck you for cheating, you piece of garbage.

No, I was the guy who posted "nice COD style shoot on sight against noobs with makNbeans" on a diff set of videos that got pulled, I don't have a team, I'm an army of one brah

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Actually you know what fullauto, thank you very much. I'm am happy that you think I'm so good that I must be hacking. :D

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DJinGA's post about kicking was because he is not familiar AT ALL with how these servers are run, or more importantly, how Rocket wants them ran. I noticed his posted and politely asked him to edit it out of that thread because we can not do that.

As for anyone hacking on our server, this is not something we allow and we are more than happy to have Rocket or any other DayZ monitor our server, check our logs, or speak to us directly about any of this.

As it stands you have absolutely no proof of any wrongdoing. All you have proved here today is that you're just another failtroll that got his wee lil' feelings hurt over whatever. You should probably get over that.

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ps yes i did social you guys via teamspeak' date=' thats how i murdered "shim" or whatever his name was twice in a row on electro last night.

pps busted @ infinitegrim http://i46.tinypic.com/b7ndzk.png


I got $20 that you are this guy from youtube...

Hey' date=' i'm a lurker at AR15 forums, and I also have Dayz for Arma2. Would you like to play together? I have a group of about 4-5 consistent people, as well as 10-12 inconsistent people.

If you would like to play together, send me a message, and i'll shoot you a friend request on Steam

2 days later....

Too late now bro. I see that you and your team like to cheat and ALT-F4 during firefights [Watched your NE airfield firefight vid'], and If I see you or your suck ass crew, my people will roll you over, and we'll report you for cheating.

Fuck you for cheating, you piece of garbage.

No, I was the guy who posted "nice COD style shoot on sight against noobs with makNbeans" on a diff set of videos that got pulled, I don't have a team, I'm an army of one brah

Just looked at all of my videos. Two of them have comments that the author has mysteriously withheld. I dont see any comments matching what you say.

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I don't understand why you came here to defend yourself/clan. You're just going to give the guy accusing you exactly what he wants - attention.

I doubt anyone on these forums cares about this, I just find it funny because this thread would have been on page 2 or 3 by now if you left it be. And now it's getting a bump by me... and the circle continues...

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Full auto, did you seriously sign up on a cheaters forum with my username? You seriously have problems. Hasn't your mom delivered dinner to the basement today? Is that why your so grumpy.

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Just listened to his "proof" youtube video.

-The person first heard talking was not on last night around the time the server was rebooted, nor is he an admin.

-The second guy heard talking is myself right after I got back to my desk(I must admit my voice is quite pleasant).

-I am the one that rebooted the server last night as I said above. As you can hear me state in this youtube clip I explained that everyone was logged out and waiting for me to get to a safe place so I could reboot, but since I died I no longer had anything keeping me from rebooting.

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Full auto' date=' did you seriously sign up on a cheaters forum with my username? You seriously have problems. Hasn't your mom delivered dinner to the basement today? Is that why your so grumpy.


best 'got caught on hacks forum' excuse ever

Wow now you made a post about wanting a name change.

Go fuck yourself buddy

Just went looking at your posts, seems like you've been trying to get your name changed since you realized IT WAS A PUBLIC PART OF THE FORUM since before this whole thing even started


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Grim, get on TS or go read my latest post in our DayZ thread.

Obvious troll is obvious. I invite DayZ staff to contact me if there's any questions regarding this stuff.

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Infinitegrim is pleased with the *** LONG BEFORE THIS THREAD: http://forums.damncheaters.com/showpost.php?p=55109&postcount=77

Infinitegrim freaks out and tries for name change: http://forums.damncheaters.com/showthread.php?t=9936

You're the same kid that was trolling us via youtube comments a week ago so it comes as no surprise that you're apparently making accounts/posts/name-change requests on that forum under one of our names.

Again, I encourage DayZ staff to monitor our server, check our logs, or whatever they need to do to show that you're full of shit and nothing but a failtroll.

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