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Survivor Looking for Friendlies

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So, I'm a survivor. Pure survivor. I don't shoot on sight, in fact, in most circumstances, I don't shoot at all. Yes, that means if you put a bullet in my head, I'll stand there and take it. Because I can, and because I simply don't play like that.

All that aside, I am looking for some other survivors to play with. I would appreciate it if you were more of the cautious, silent type, as opposed to those that prefer running around and losing LOS by circling a house. I don't enjoy making noise, and I especially don't enjoy noise around other players. Gunshots attract other players even more than they attract zombies, and if they decide to run into where you are, your chances of not attracting zombies begin to slide very, very quickly.

If you're interested, my IGN is Raven. I don't exactly have a specific server I play on, as some seem to work better than others at given times.


-Currently just south of Vybor. Equipped with ALICE Pack, M104, M1911, Map, Binoculars, Flashlight, Watch, Hatchet, and Hunting Knife. Really, really want a box of matches...

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Hey there, survivor here, same playstyle as yours. Been playing for almost a month.Wanna team up?

Ghillie, M1014, Revolver, Binocs, Watch, Compass, H. Knife, (THE HOLY) Mountain Dew AND MATCHES. :P Outskirts of Krasnostav (NE airport city)

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I'll join you guys.

Just ignore that pounding heartbeat when you scroll your cursor over my guy.

::shifty eyes::

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That's why maybe we should talk on skype or something first?

Once you hear my awesome jokes you'll like me and you wouldn't wanna shoot me! xD

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if you guys are making a group ill be in im a new player though but have the same play style if you want add me on skype :myleswoodsdf

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Gah, I posted this, then completely forgot about it. Skype is karasu_ookami.

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Hey ill be willing to join i just got the game not that far back and need some help with surviving and getting use to the game, its always easier with someone to back you up :D

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I'd be glad to help as much as I can. If you add me on skype, we can see about arranging somewhere to meet up... I'm currently a bit low on blood, but I'm still alive.

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