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Emetophobia - Will I have problems?

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if it's going to appeal to the masses. a survival simulator is not what Rocket should be aiming for. Zombie Survival GAME should be what he's aiming for. People want to accomplish something. not take dumps in the 1 hour spare time they get to play

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Here's an idea, don't get sick (in-game) and you won't have to watch yourself vomit. If you do catch something, suicide. If you run into someone who is sick and might vomit in front of you.... ask them to leave or just kill them.

The game could be more intense for you, because there are real life consequences if you slip up and see someone vomit.

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What the hell? Are we supposed to somehow magically cure his phobia for him or something? Otherwise I'm not sure how you're expecting us to help.

It's just a brutal fact that some people can't play some games. My mother suffers from motion sickness every time she plays a game that doesn't have a fixed camera angle, so she can't play most games. There's really nothing you can do to avoid it besides overcome it or don't play. Sorry, but it's true.

he gave me his beans

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Great. Just great... I just *had* to Google it as well! Goddamn.

Hahahahahahahahaha the chain never stops....

Fucking creepy though isn't it....

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he gave me his beans


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Vomiting is very common in zombie games, it goes hand and hand with infection. One of the core characters of the Left 4 Dead series is a zombie which barfs on survivors in order to attract zombie hordes by smell.

Unfortunately the devs cannot cater to everyone. The good news is that phobias can be cured though.

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I don't think its an actual phobia, but nothing scares me more than getting my throat slit. Its been like this for all I can remeber, and I get very nervous if anything sharp gets near my head. While I'm shure people don't take pleasure in throat slitting(unless you're an Indonesian headhunter), its something I obsess over. It kind of ruined Dishonored for me, because I remebered slitting the neck of one of the Pendelton twins in the whore shack. I didn't play the game for days. But OP, you shouldn't worry too much about the vomiting animations. I doubt they'll make it into the game, and it'll probably be some kind of hacking/rough coughing noise. But if throat slitting is implemented, I doubt I'll be playing this game anymore.

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You're playing a game where the dead eat the living for sustenance.

What about people who are agoraphobic, or haemophobic? Should we make the whole game inside, and without blood, just so they can play it? What about the people who are kinemortophobic? Should the devs release a version without zombies because they're afraid of them?

Seriously, I'm not trying to be nasty here, but either grow up, or fuck off and stop complaining.

Edited by ninjaontour

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You're playing a game where the dead eat the living for sustenance.

What about people who are agoraphobic, or haemophobic? Should we make the whole game inside, and without blood, just so they can play it? What about the people who are kinemortophobic? Should the devs release a version without zombies because they're afraid of them?

Seriously, I'm not trying to be nasty here, but either grow up, or fuck off and stop complaining.

Point taken, but bear in mind that i actually did NOT request removing that feature, so try reading my post again. What i asked about was if i were to have problems with the standalone because of my phobias.

Also why the rough language at the end? Grow up and stop complaining? Boy, phobias are not like flus or whatever. I didn't just wake up one day and decided i will fear vomiting. With that logic, go to your grandfather with altzheimers and tell him to **** off and stop complaining too.

Also, to the seemingly brilliant guy that posted a vomiting gif, remember when i said vomiting once gave me heart problems? You know, the ones you can DIE from? Thank god i was expecting such a thing sooner or later and only took me some pills and some hours to get over it. What you did was like destroying a hemiplegic guy's wheelchair bud.

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Seriously, I'm not trying to be nasty here, but either grow up, or fuck off and stop complaining.

And the award for the most ironic and retarded post goes to...

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this thread turned out to be sad for humanity....

What part of it? Making fun of someone who has a condition they can't help, or the strange phobias we've all described in gleaming detail. Or both?

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Funny thing about the brain and the way it works, the more you keep telling yourself you can't change, nothing can fix it, I can't help it, etcetc, the more truth you give to those statements. If you don't want to be a certain way, then flipping do something about it. Nothing is ever hardwired in your brain.

Used to know someone who actually derived pleasure from vomiting. He somehow ended up associating being happy with vomiting, every time we went out he'd be going off to have a puke and not because he couldn't handle his alcohol, it was because it gave him a good feeling. He realised how silly this was and modified his behaviour to prevent it from happening.

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WoW lots to read i was off for a little bit and now - 3 FuK#@^ pages

any way lots of fun to read arguements so im happy

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Dude, thread is almost a month old. This is borderline nerco.

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I am sorry man, the best I can help is just saying try to keep your character healthy and maybe it won't even look like vomiting or possible Rocket can do something were you turn off the actual vomit, but you still do the action. As in the guy bends over but nothing comes out, nor sound, so it doesn't trigger the phobia.

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I don't know man, if it is in all I can say to you is look away as quickly as possible.

I have trypophobia, if lotus seed pods make it into the game I am fucked.

For me that is more of curiosity then fear, everytime I see that I always want to touch the holes or something like that, or just stare at them for a while. I still am pretty scared of them though.

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I recently stumbled across an interview by Rocket that confirmed vomiting (or at least the animations) in the standalone. When i heard this word my spinal cord turned to ice. I have a not-so-known form of phobia called emetophobia, fear of vomiting. When i say fear, i really mean everytime i hear or even worse see someone vomiting i panic so much i once had a heart attack.

Will i have problems playing the standalone? Will i be able to disable something like that? I am a big fan of DayZ and i just cannot give up on it just for that.

I thought I was the only person with this Phobia! Dude I feel your pain. :/

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everyone don't say the standalone isnt for a person purely on the fact that he has a phobia of vomiting it is getting annoying now hearing it once i was annoyed hearing it twice then from a forum staff member REALLY i thought this community was meant to help other players work on issues give them tips. people please don't tell someone a game isn't for someone because they have a phobia. in my advise dude i would just leave the CPU while the player is vomiting that really is the only thing i can think of i'm sure there are other ways to avoid this i cant really give any good tips till the standalone comes out.

good luck in overcoming your fears and hope you found this usefull

I'm going to agree with this guy, surely vomiting is a consequence of an illness or ingesting food that was not cooked or water that was not boiled. The OP will have to be cautious about his food and keep some anti-biotics on hand or be able to log and contact a friend if he becomes ill and lacks antibiotics. You can do it OP, I believe in you.

Edited by Bloodtrozorx

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