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Looking for a good hive.

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I see alot of hives with over 200 vehicles and crazy custom loadouts, looking for something a little more hardcore.

The server i currently play on lags terribly.

I've been going through the lists and have seen some cool looking servers, but they involve downloading mods. Looking for something that uses the default files, have a decent starting load (atleast a hatchet), and isn't loaded with tons of vehicles or admins who abuse their power.


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http://dayzgonebye.boardhost.com/index.php This is the whitelisted server I play, it's all Vanilla, and the admin never abuses his power. Nice guy who listens to what you say.

No starting loadout, but it only takes like 30 seconds to find a hatchet...

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Hey we just started a new server and are trying to get a player base :) we are very helpfull and friendly there is about 10 of us that play atm, and we do have a mumble server you can join as well, and friends are welcome we have a 50 man server :). Info in sig :) My boyfriend has been doing some editing to the map, and there are alot of vehicle/air spawns, we are mostly friendly other then our mumble bandit ;) he is our friend as well but you have to becareful of him lol. Oh we have day/night with full moon as well. Should come and check it out, we are active admins as well. :)

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Youre welcome to try my servers out :) We run on a high spec dedicated server in Roubaix, France.

We host a 512 slot teamspeak server too, plenty of room for players and teams. We usually get between 40-50 members on teamspeak each night. We host 2x 100 slot chernarus servers, a 100 slot Utes PvP server, and a Namalsk server, (and 2 CSGO servers lol) :)

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